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Every season of The Bachelor seems to include the same things. There is always a question as to whether or not people are there for the right reasons, and we always have a rehashing of the bachelor’s heartbreak from the previous season of The Bachelorette. These are just a couple of the many formulas and rules the show follows.

Another one of those rules is that whoever doesn’t get a rose at the end of a two-on-one date has to go home. But this hasn’t always been the case. Other times, a contestant has crashed and burned so hard on a date that the bachelor decided to end things right then and there. This means a lot of ladies have been dumped in the middle of a date. So who are these unlucky women? Here are 11 women who were sent home mid-date.

1. Liz Sandoz

The Bachelor
Liz and Nick Viall on The Bachelor | ABC

Of course Nick Viall’s season had to start off with some crazy drama. As if he didn’t have enough baggage already, after being on television to find love three times before, he also had a one-night stand that ended up following him to the show.

Liz slept with Nick after Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert’s wedding. Nick asked for her number afterwards, but she turned him down. He went on to appear on Bachelor in Paradise and then became the next bachelor. Meanwhile, Liz decided it would be a good idea to come on the show.

However, by the second episode she was still very awkward and unsure of where they stood. On a date at the Museum of Broken Relationships she talked about how they first met for the breakup exercise in front of everyone. But the nail on the coffin was the group date afterward, where Christen revealed to Nick that Liz told her what happened between them. Nick promptly dumped Liz and came clean to the rest of the ladies about his history with her.