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Suse Forrest

Suse Forrest is a contributing writer for Showbiz Cheat Sheet.

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Celebrity / TV

‘Counting On’: Are Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Financially Independent?

For years fans have been following the lives of the Duggar family. One of the things that makes this oversized family so appealing is that they aren’t afraid to be themselves. Many of the things that this family does seems a bit odd to the rest of the world, but the Duggar don’t let criticism …

Has Joe Rogan Been in Any Movies?

People are aware Joe Rogan has a very impressive resume, but aren't sure just how far his acting career has gone. Has Joe Rogan ever started in any movies?

Does Rooney and Kate Mara’s Family Own the Pittsburgh Steelers?

Kate and Rooney Mara are two sisters who already have very successful Hollywood careers. Kate has starred in some of the hottest movies and TV shows, including Fantastic Four, Shooter, and House of Cards. Her sister, Rooney, also has her own impressive list of movies that appeared in including The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Mary Magdalene. Both sisters already had an impressive career, and …
Celebrity / Music

How Many Albums Has Kanye West Made?

Over the last decade, West has had a very prosperous career. He has had several number one hits and has collaborated with many artists.
Celebrity / Net worth

What Is Sharon Osbourne’s Net Worth?

Over the years, Sharon Osbourne has become a household name. She was first introduced to us as the famous rocker, Ozzy Osbourne's wife.