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1923 finally returns with episode 5 this week. The Yellowstone prequel left off with Spencer Dutton finally receiving the news of his brother’s death. After this shocking revelation, Spencer will travel to Montana with his wife, Alexandra. Meanwhile, the Duttons struggle to keep the ranch afloat back home, and Teonna ventures out on her own after fleeing the horrific boarding school. Here’s everything we know so far about the upcoming episode.

In 1923 Episode 5, Spencer Dutton and Alexandra stand at a dock preparing to board a ship bound for America.
Julia Schlaepfer as Alexandra and Brandon Sklenar as Spencer in ‘1923’ Episode 5 | Emerson Miller/Paramount+

Here’s where ‘1923’ left off for the Dutton family

In 1923 Episode 4, the Dutton family dealt with the aftermath of Banner Creighton’s attack. Cara Dutton steps up to lead the family while Jacob is recovering from his injuries. She attends the Livestock Association in Jacob’s place, and cooly tells the men that Jacob is busy combating cattle thieves. Cara also warns Banner that he will meet her nephew soon.

Meanwhile, Spencer and Alexandra enjoy a few blissful days on the beaches in Zanzibar. When Alex finds the letters that Cara wrote her nephew, they settle in to read them all. Eventually, Spencer learns of his brother’s death three months after the attack on the ranch.

‘1923’ Episode 5 is titled ‘Ghost of Zebrina’

The episode title for 1923 Episode 5 is “Ghost of Zebrina.” Promo images show Spencer and Alexandra preparing to leave Africa. The pair will board a ship and set sail for America, but the journey will be treacherous and likely take several weeks.

Back at the ranch, the Duttons hold on as best they can. Although Jacob Dutton doesn’t appear in promo images, we know that he is still alive based on the midseason trailer. Jack is chomping at the bit and ready to take down his family’s enemies. New enemies like Donald Whitfield (Tony Dalton) have also emerged.


‘1923’ Includes an Error Regarding Spencer Dutton’s Age

After killing Sister Mary, Teonna is on the run from the horrific Native American boarding school she was forced to attend. Promo images show Teonna running into someone who might be willing to help her to freedom. The character is named Hank (Michael Greyeyes), and he appears to be herding sheep when he meets Teonna.

Back at the boarding school, the horrific Father Renaud (Sebastian Roché) won’t give up on getting Teonna back easily. Roché warned fans in an interview with  TV Insider that his character’s behavior “gets worse in Episode 5.” He added, “What I’m going to do in Episode 5 is pretty bad.” Father Renaud may resort to tormenting Teonna’s friend Baapuxti (Leenah Robinson) to get answers.

‘1923’ Episode 5 release date and where to watch

1923 will return with episode 5 on February 5th, 2023. The new episode will be available on Paramount+ at 3 a.m. ET (midnight PT). 1923 Season 1 is anticipated to be eight episodes in total. However, the Yellowstone prequel has already been renewed for a second season. If the show doesn’t take any more breaks, then the first season finale will air on February 26.