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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is approaching its season 1 finale, and its latest episode set the stage for an epic conclusion. Things are chaotic after the battle for the Southlands, but the characters’ arcs are setting up even bigger developments to come. And with so much underway, viewers may have missed certain Easter Eggs in The Rings of Power Episode 7. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered.

[Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Rings of Power Episode 7, “The Eye.”]

Galadriel and Theo’s encounter with the Orcs is reminiscent of a ‘Fellowship of the Rings’ scene

Morfydd Clark and Tyroe Muhafidin as Galadriel and Theo in 'The Rings of Power' Episode 7 for our article about its Easter Eggs. They're walking through the burned Southlands, and everything is orange and ashy.
Morfydd Clark and Tyroe Muhafidin in ‘The Rings of Power’ | Prime Video

Despite The Rings of Power having little real connection to The Lord of the Rings movies, much of the imagery feels similar to Peter Jackson’s depiction of Middle-earth. That’s left many Easter Eggs to find, intentionally or not, and The Rings of Power Episode 7 features a scene that calls back to The Fellowship of the Ring.

As Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) and Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin) make their way to Númenor’s camp in the Southlands, the pair comes across a group of Orcs. They hide beneath a tree, willing the enemy to pass. And their position may remind viewers of the time Frodo (Elijah Woods) and his friends utilized a similar hiding spot to avoid the Nazgûl.

Of course, had the Orcs actually found Galadriel and Theo, they’d be in much worse shape than the Nazgûl. Still, it’s fun to see how the similarities between the two scenes.

Largo’s speech in ‘The Rings of Power’ Episode 7 contains Baggins Easter Eggs

Markella Kavenagh, Sara Zwangobani, Dylan Smith, and Megan Richards as the Harfoots in ‘The Rings of Power’ for our article about the Easter Eggs in episode 7. They’re posing in front of trees and a hut.
Markella Kavenagh, Sara Zwangobani, Dylan Smith, and Megan Richards in ‘The Rings of Power’ | Ben Rothstein/Prime Video

After the White Cloaks destroy the Harfoots’ setup in the grove, the group is understandably distressed. However, Largo Brandyfoot (Dylan Smith) attempts to put a more positive spin on things. And his motivational speech in The Rings of Power Episode 7 seems to reference Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.

Largo prefaces his sentiment that the Harfoots should “just keep walking” by pointing out that they don’t “don’t slay dragons” or dig up jewels. But the Harfoots are the ancestors of the Hobbits we meet in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Third Age. And Bilbo has a whole adventure involving a dragon in The Hobbit, while Frodo goes on a quest centered on a piece of jewelry: the One Ring.

It seems Largo’s disclaimer is teasing what’s to come once the Harfoots evolve into the Hobbits and settle down in the Shire. It’s a small reference, but longtime Lord of the Rings fans will no doubt pick up on the nod.

‘The Rings of Power’ mentions Pelargir, a place we already know from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works

Nazanin Boniadi and Morfydd Clark in 'The Rings of Power' Episode 7 for our article about Easter Eggs. They're standing side by side on a mountain and look concerned.
Nazanin Boniadi and Morfydd Clark in ‘The Rings of Power’ | Prime Video

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Another noteworthy Easter Egg in The Rings of Power Episode 7 involves the place Arondir (Ismael Cruz Córdova) and Bronwyn (Nazanin Boniadi) are headed next. They mention they’ll be going to Pelargir, a Númenórean colony near the Anduin river. It’s a location pulled straight from J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings, and it’s one fans have seen during stories set in the Third Age.

According to The One Wiki to Rule Them All, Pelargir will eventually become the port of Gondor, the seat of Aragorn’s (Viggo Mortensen) throne in The Lord of the Rings movies. Diehard Tolkien fans will recognize the colony’s name as soon as Bronwyn says it. And we’ll likely learn how it becomes a part of Gondor after Númenor falls.

The Rings of Power Episode 7 is currently streaming on Prime Video.