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90 Day Fiancé fans have very mixed feelings about Big Ed. Some fans loved him right off the bat for his personality, and still do. Meanwhile, others experienced a souring of their feelings about him as he’s spent more time with Rose. They’ve begun to feel as if Big Ed might have ridiculous standards and expectations of Rose, and that he doesn’t know how to cope with culture shock or seeing true poverty. Now, after a preview of Big Ed’s reaction to Rose’s family home, many fans aren’t too impressed with the 90 Day Fiancé star. 

Big Ed tried to kiss Rose, ‘90 Day Fiancé’ fans didn’t like it

Big Ed wound up on many fans’ bad sides after a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé. After a disastrous day at the market that left Ed sweaty and disheveled, as well as frustrated with Rose for reaching into his wallet, Big Ed made a big gaffe. 

In a move that shocked Rose, Ed asked her to get an STD test, while at the same time deciding he did not want the same test himself. Rose was understandably upset, as Ed had been harping on her all day, asking her about her past and her connections on social media. 

Big Ed tried to make things up to Rose later on, giving her a perfunctory foot massage. Ed asked Rose what the Tagalog word for kiss was, and then used it to ask Rose for a kiss. Rose did not look thrilled, and it was an awkward moment to say the least. 

Later, Ed told Rose he expects her to shave her legs. Lying down in bed, Ed turned to Rose and said, “Um, don’t be mad at me, but um, I noticed your legs were kind of like mine, they were hairy. Would you shave your legs?” He nodded at her while asking her the question. Rose seemed irritated and surprised by Ed’s request — another in a litany of moments that do not paint Big Ed in a positive light. 

Big Ed visits Rose’s home

While Ed and Rose have been spending their first days in Manila, that’s not where Rose actually lives. Rose lives further out in a poorer region of the Philippines, and Ed will finally be visiting his 90 Day Fiancé partners’ home. 

However, Ed might not be prepared for the level of poverty he’s about to see. Given his recent requirements of Rose, it may come as no surprise that Ed had a serious reaction to her living situation. 

Ed will also be meeting Rose’s family. Her sister asked Ed for money. Ed explained, “It’s awkward meeting Rose’s sister Maria, because we have this secret. She asked me for money and asked me not to tell Rose. I still don’t know if Rose is involved or not.”

Maria showed Ed the family home, which is in the back of a small store the family runs. The home is open to the outside, without windows, which shocks Ed. Ed expresses concern over bats and bugs, and Rose simply laughs it off. 

Ed explained, “It’s all open up above, and they don’t really have a front door, it’s just kind of a curtain of paper CD covers. It’s all concrete with sheets hanging, covering, I guess to make it more homey. I expected it to be pretty bad, but this is really bad.”

‘90 Day Fiancé’ fans aren’t impressed

Big Ed of 90 Day Fiancé
Big Ed of 90 Day Fiancé | thisisbiged via Instagram

While Big Ed does have his diehard fans, many 90 Day Fiancé fans were put off by how Ed addressed Rose’s living conditions.

One Redditor wrote, “Her sister literally looked speechless at his disheveled appearance and bizarre hairdo. Then he makes ‘funny’ comments about their home. What a charmer!”

Another user added, “And second, he looked horrified at Rose’s living conditions. He couldn’t even pretend for her sake that it’s ok? He knows she’s poor but he had to make a comment about there not being windows and flying bugs?? Honestly, even with windows there WILL be flying cockroaches. They are always in hot, humid places. They are sneaky and will randomly scare the shit out of you when you least expect it. That’s just life in a tropical nation. He seriously is so ignorant to developing nations and how people live. It’s incredibly grating and it just pisses me off.”

“It annoyed the hell out of me that he never mentions the beautiful food spread they put out for him. They were all trying to make a good first impression and to make him feel welcome. There were 5 – 6 trays of food on the table which probably cost them a lot of money with them being so poor. Ed makes me feel embarrassed to be an American…,” wrote another viewer.

Others pointed out that it seemed as if Ed had done almost no research on Rose’s culture, and had almost no clue what to expect in the Philippines. One user wrote, “Why does he bow to Rose’s family? Are they Korean? Japanese? She’s from the Philippines, you uncultured swine! Ugh. I can’t stand him. He’s so ignorant.”