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Deavan Clegg has not been happy with TLC or how they have portrayed her and her family for quite some time. The 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way star has called the show and the network out numerous times for their editing but now she is accusing the show of flat out lying.

Deavan and Jihoon
’90 Day Fiancé’ stars Jihoon Lee and Deavan Clegg | TLC

What has Deavan Clegg said about TLC before?

Clegg spoke out earlier about the way that the show portrayed her daughter Drascilla.

“I’ve been upset with edits before,” she said. “I haven’t been vocal about it too much. But the edits are just getting so bad on my daughter that it’s disgusting and it’s disheartening.”

At the time, Drascilla was drinking from a bottle to gain weight and Clegg claims that production told her they would not show that part of her story.

“They promised they wouldn’t show her bottle, and she was on formula at that age because she was losing weight and she couldn’t gain any weight and her doctor recommended it,” she continued. “But people don’t take that into consideration, they just judge saying I’m neglectful when it’s actually the complete opposite of that. They promised they wouldn’t show that, and they did.”

Throughout this current season, she has gotten a lot of backlash from fans who haven’t loved the way that she treated her ex, Jihoon Lee. Eventually, she took to her Instagram to warn people that not everything on tv is real.

“Hi everyone,” she wrote in her Instagram story captured by ScreenRant. “Not stating a certain show but you guys are aware that MOST reality tv shows are fake and either scripted or edited to match a storyline that storyboard teams put together before filming.”

Deavan says TLC lied

The finale of this season claimed to show Clegg in March of this year dealing with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It later showed Clegg “four months later” when she supposedly left for America with her kids.

After the finale aired, Clegg began posting about a timeline descrepency on her Instagram stories.

 “I came back to America in May. No idea why TLC would lie about the timeline,” she wrote in a series of now-deleted posts captured by ScreenRant.

Clegg also shared a post to her stories from May 31, where it shows that she was already in America.

“This photo was posted at my mother’s house a week after I arrived,” she captioned the post, according to a Reddit thread.

She also shared a makeup tutorial that she posted on her YouTube.

“First YouTube video of me back in the States,” she wrote. “The video was filmed one month prior. As you can see it was posted June 6th. As the show is claiming, I came back early August. “


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TLC has not commented on Clegg’s posts but given the fact that she deleted them, she must have changed her mind about calling the network out.

There have also been rumors going around that Clegg was fired from the show, which is why she wasn’t invited to the Tell-all special. She has denied those rumors and said that she is still connected to Sharp Entertainment, which produces the show.