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Elizabeth Potthast Castravet’s husband, Andrei Castravet, has never gotten along with his in-laws—especially Elizabeth’s dad, Chuck Potthast, and her brother, Charlie Potthast. On a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Andrei almost physically fought Charlie after he asked one too many questions about Andrei’s past.

And when Elizabeth’s mom, Pamela Putnam, and one of her sisters, Jenn Davis, showed up in Andrei’s home country for the couple’s second wedding in Moldova, things got even more awkward. Jenn, Chuck, and Charlie complained at length about the country’s cuisine—and 90 Day Fiancé fans didn’t waste any time in calling them out for their behavior.

Elizabeth Potthast Castravet, baby Eleanor, and Andrei Castravet
Elizabeth Potthast Castravet, baby Eleanor, and Andrei Castravet | Elizabeth Potthast Castravet via Instagram

Elizabeth’s family complained about the food in Moldova

On 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Elizabeth’s family began to complain about Eastern Europe as soon as they landed in Chisinau. Chuck and Charlie asked if Amazon delivered in Andrei’s home country and even suggested that Andrei might have tried to use Elizabeth to leave Moldova and come to the U.S.

Meanwhile, Jenn, Elizabeth’s most outspoken sister, immediately declared that she “wished she was in France” when she greeted Andrei and Elizabeth before their wedding. Andrei was visibly disgruntled when his sister-in-law asked him how he didn’t become “depressed” in Moldova and called the atmosphere “gloomy.”

Later, Elizabeth’s relatives really let loose when they sat down for breakfast in their AirBnB. Charlie called the food in Moldova “trash,” despite praising it when Andrei’s mother had prepared a large spread to welcome the family.

Meanwhile, Jenn wondered aloud if people ate pig fat in Andrei’s home country because it was less expensive.

“It’s peasant food,” Chuck declared, as the others looked on in agreement.

“Let’s go get some real food,” Charlie exclaimed.

Fans called Elizabeth’s family ‘pretentious’

Almost immediately, social media exploded with criticism of Elizabeth’s family for their comments, with many 90 Day Fiancé fans calling them “rude,” “thoughtless,” and “ignorant.”

On Reddit, one poster wrote of the family’s complaints, “This entire family’s pretentiousness is absolutely disgusting and deplorable.”

Many other fans thought the family was being needlessly cruel and embodying the stereotype of “ugly Americans” who look down on other cultures.

“Making fun of a culture/country’s food is despicable,” one 90 Day Fiancé viewer wrote on the same Reddit post. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Others pointed out that the food—which appeared to consist of croissants and fresh fruit, at least at breakfast—looked perfectly fine. Some thought Elizabeth’s father and siblings were just looking for something to complain about in a new environment.

“They are really confirming all American stereotypes,” one Redditor argued. “Self-centered, arrogant, close-minded, pretentious, condescending, thinks that America is best at everything and everyone else is a dirty caveman.”

Another commenter agreed, writing, “They talk as if America doesn’t have its own fair share of questionable culinary delights.”


’90 Day Fiancé’: Fans Accuse Andrei Castravet of Not Translating Elizabeth Potthast Castravet’s Words Correctly to His Family

Many viewers argued that they should have been grateful for the hospitality

In addition to suggesting that Elizabeth’s family’s comments were inappropriate, other 90 Day Fiancé fans pointed out how rude it was to speak poorly of Andrei’s family’s welcoming gestures and hospitality. Andrei’s mom greeted the family with a well-plated banquet of food and wine when they arrived, and many 90 Day Fiancé viewers thought they were downright ungrateful.

“Mother Andrrrrei not only set up that whole feast, but she did it at the AirB&B – she had to pack and transport all that food,” one Redditor pointed out.

Another poster agreed, arguing passionately, “Andrei’s family has been nothing but nice to them and went above and beyond to prepare a nice meal to welcome them, and these ignorant trash bags just sh*t all over it, insulting their country. They’re seriously the poster children for sh*tty American tourists.”

Yet another viewer pointed out that Elizabeth and Andrei’s young daughter also shared Moldovan culture—so they were essentially insulting their niece and grandchild as well.

“They do know that it’s Eleanor’s culture also, right?” the fan mused.

Still other fans thought that Elizabeth’s family might simply be playing up their “characters” for the sake of the cameras. Since viewers have long speculated that the family might be trying to get their own spinoff (like Chantel Everett’s and Pedro Jimeno’s families on The Family Chantel or Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva on Darcey and Stacey), some thought they might be playing an exaggerated role for reality TV.