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Big Ed Brown has gotten himself into some hot water. When he signed up to go on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days, he probably expected to get famous and gain a lot of fans. He probably didn’t think that old sexual assault claims would come up, but that’s exactly what happened.

Ed 90 Day Fiance
90 Day Fiance | Instagram @thisisbiged

The sexual assault claims

After seeing Brown on TV, Lorelei Clemens, known on TikTok as Lordakeet, posted a few videos to her TikTok accusing Brown of sexual harassment and assault. In her first video, she did not call out Brown by name, but in the second, she made it clear who she was talking about.


Clemens found out that Brown was on tv when a friend happened to mention it to her and the realization brought up a lot of old feelings.

“I mean, initially it was very triggering, it’s been a lot of work to deal, but still the trauma of sexual violence, it’s very hard to get over and often times it will never go away because it doesn’t disappear,” she said in an interview with Daily Soap Dish. “So it was very triggering, but I think with that pain, it sounds kind of weird, but it made me realize that I don’t want this to happen to anyone else, and if I can prevent that from happening, I’m going to. I tried to do it four years ago, but no one really knew who Big Ed was, and so I guess that pain kind of turned into motivation to help others.”

What is Big Ed’s type?

Clemens and Brown used to work together and Clemens claims that his weird behavior started from the first time they met. The first day she met Brown, he put her in a headlock and things only got worse from there.

“A lot of it was verbal, through texts and in the office. You know, he was grooming me, and you know when you’re being groomed, it’s really hard to know you’re being manipulated. So, it progressively got worse. By the end of it, I ended up in the hospital from an incident that happened with him, and I ended up having a lot of health issues from it. This was about four years ago, so I’ve been still trying to heal myself since that incident.”

And Clemens thinks that Brown has a type, one that she and Brown’s 90 Day Fiance love interest, Rose Vega, fit.

“I think Ed kind of has this MO for going for vulnerable, younger women, at the time I was 24, about the age of Rosemarie Vega, and at the age where you’re really trying to figure out what is going on in the world and you’re not quite sure how to handle situations like this,” she told the outlet. “Especially if you aren’t taught them when you are younger, and generally with abusers like Ed, this is kind of like the perfect fit because they can manipulate them without too much ‘working’ for it if that makes sense.”

Vega and Brown have since broken up and Brown has not publicly spoken about any new love interests.