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Aaron Carter, a successful singer, is opening up about himself and his mother with revealing information on a new episode of The Doctors. He was extremely candid about his issues and medication he is prescribed in an exclusive conversation on the show. He also spoke about his mother’s addiction to alcohol. He begged the doctors to help his mother fight her addiction before it kills her.

Aaron Carter asked ‘The Doctors’ to help his mother

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter | Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

“I love my mom. And I will do everything it takes to save my mother,” Carter explained. “I will give up all that I have. If I didn’t have The Doctors, and you guys didn’t, you know, sit down with me and this wasn’t here, I would take $200,000 of equity out of my first home that I just bought to put her in treatment. I’m the only family member that cares.”

Carter spoke about his own diagnosis and medications he takes

He also spoke about himself and his diagnosis. “The official diagnosis is that I suffer from multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, acute anxiety; I’m manic depressive,” Carter explained. “I’m prescribed to Xanax, Seroquel, gabapentin, hydroxyzine, trazodone, omeprazole.”

Carter then went on to address his issues by holding up a bag of medications. He sat down with Dr. Travis Stork and Dr. Judy Ho. “This is my reality … hi,” he said. “I have nothing to hide.” He held up the large bag full of prescriptions brought in for The Doctors.

He also spoke about taking opioids for crowns that were put on his teeth. “I haven’t taken any opioids,” he said, before realizing he had. “Oh no, no. I did. I got my teeth done, I got six crowns, so I had to take hydrocodone.”

Aaron Carter’s mom came on the show for help

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter and his mother Jane | Jeremy Bembaron/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images

Carter also came to get help for his mother, Jane, to overcome her drinking once and for all. “When I don’t drink, I feel better,” Jane revealed to The Doctors. She did admit that she wished she was able to drink before coming on the show. She said she was uncomfortable and wished she had a drink.

Carter revealed his mother’s drinking habits

In an exclusive teaser video of the episode, Carter reveals his mother’s drinking habits that are destroying her life. “Her drinking is 5 a.m. in the morning she wakes up, she drinks a whole bottle of vodka … I’m the only one that goes down there and visits my mom,” Carter explained. “I see her in the craziest, most toxic, unhealthy place in the world.”

How did Jane’s drinking start?

Aaron Carter and family
Aaron Carter and parents Robert and Jane | Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Jane started drinking in high school. She talked about how it all got a lot worse when her husband cheated on her. They divorced and she continued to drink. Her son is worried she will kill herself with the drinking. “That always helped me, to focus on someone else,” Jane explained.

“Yes, but that’s an avoidance thing. Your daughter died,” said Dr. Judy. They went on to talk about how the Carter family really doesn’t know how Leslie died. The drinking was much worse after her daughter’s death.

“You don’t care if you live or die right now, be honest,” Carted tried to pry out of his mother.

“I really don’t want to die,” Jane revealed. She admitted to The Doctors and the world that she has a drinking problem.

“The two of you have to work on your relationship too once your mom gets the help she needs,” said Dr. Travis. “Addiction is not weakness, it’s a disease.”

Will Jane head to rehab to get the help she needs?

Aaron Carter and his mom
Aaron Carter and his mother Jane Carter | Carmen Valdes/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Jane decided that she would go to rehab and get help for her addiction. She said goodbye to her son, Aaron, and they embraced with heartfelt tears. She was escorted off the stage on her new journey to self-discovery and positivity. She drove away to the start of her new life. “The way I feel is that there is hope. And that to everybody out there that has a family member suffering, don’t give up on them because they have a disease,” Carter said.

It looks like Jane is going to get the help she desperately needs. The Carter family is on the road to recovery and a better life.