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We are nearing the end of Bachelor in Paradise, which means it’s almost time for proposals. This is the time when most couples on the show start to realize that Paradise isn’t just a paid vacation, and they are actually supposed to be forming serious connections. Because of this, a lot of couples tend to break up around this point. But not all of the couples who should split up, do. In fact, in most seasons, at least one couple who should probably call it quits gets engaged. Here are three couples who should definitely not be leaving the beach with any Neil Lane jewelry.

'Bachelor in Paradise' cast from season 7
‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Cast Season 7 | Craig Sjodin/ABC via Getty Images

Abigail and Noah should not get engaged at the end of ‘Bachelor in Paradise’

[This article contains spoilers for Bachelor in Paradise]

This one probably comes as no surprise after this week’s episode. Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb have been together since the first week in Paradise. But there has always been something missing in their relationship. Earlier on in the season, Abigail questioned if she and Noah were friendzoning each other. Their relationship was so platonic that even other people began to notice. This week, Noah decided to take things to the next level and told Abigail he was falling for her.

“Let’s just be very vulnerable and open and think about the progress we made and what that could look like,” he told her. “I want to just be completely transparent. That’s really the only way to do it. I think the only reason that’s hard for me is because I’m definitely falling in love with you and I could see it working in the real world. It’s not to scare you or anything like that. My feelings are very strong for you.”

However, when Abigail didn’t say it back, Noah had a change of heart and broke up with her the next night.

“I’m starting to form genuine feelings for you — strong feelings,” Noah told Abigail at the prom. “But I feel like I know the strong feelings I have for you, but I’ve been trying to force something that I want when deep down I don’t know if you’re my person.”

Though Abigail and Noah seemed to break up, it’s not unheard of for Bachelor in Paradise couples to make up after big blowups. However, even if they make up, they definitely shouldn’t get engaged at the end of the season as neither of them seems sure about the relationship.

Ed Waisbrot and Mykenna Dorn barely know each other

Poor Mykenna Dorn came onto the beach during the last week of filming. She asked several men to go on dates with her but they were all already in strong relationships. Finally, Ed Waisbrot offered to take her on the date so that she’d stop crying. Though they had a good time, their connection seemed more like a last-ditch effort at finding love than a solid attraction.


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James Bonsall and Anna Redman were a last minute connection on ‘Bachelor in Paradise’

James Bonsall and Anna Redman are another couple who got together really last minute. Anna asked several men on the beach to go on a date and James was the only one who said yes. While the two had a heavy makeout session in a hot tub, they don’t have time to really connect with one another before proposal time. Dating outside of the bubble of Paradise would probably be the best option for these two.