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Ever since Batwoman appeared in Gotham City, Commander Joseph Kane has had it out for her. The head honcho of Crows Security believes the masked vigilante is a menace rather than a hero. Now, in the Batwoman Season 1 finale, the Bat and the head Crow will face off. But will the grudge match cause a ripple effect that could impact others? Here’s a rundown of who else is involved and what to expect, according to the episode preview.

[Spoiler warning: The following article contains details about Batwoman Season 1.]

Batwoman: Dougray Scott and Ruby Rose
Dougray Scott and Ruby Rose in Batwoman | Kimberley French/The CW

Commander Kane doesn’t know that his daughter is Batwoman

Kate Kane returned to Gotham City to discover that Batman had left, and her hometown was plagued with crime. Her father, Commander Jacob Kane, was running the Crows, a private security organization providing support to the official law enforcement agencies as well as personal protection to the highest bidders.

In an effort to bring hope back to the city and crush the crimewave, Kate put on the cape and became Batwoman without the knowledge of her dad. Commander Kane immediately labeled Batwoman as a menace who should be stopped.

The Kanes have had several run-ins, but with Kate wearing a mask and using a voice disguiser, Commander Kane has remained in the dark about his dear daughter’s extracurricular activities. With the Crow leader in hot pursuit of a vigilante who just happens to be his daughter, how much longer can Kate keep up the ruse?

Commander Kane warned Batwoman of ‘collateral damage’

In Batwoman Season 1 Episode 19, “A Secret Kept From All the Rest,” Commander Kane used the Bat-Signal to summon Batwoman. When she arrived, he confronted her with a grave warning.

“Alice isn’t the one claiming to be the city’s hero. She needs you as much as you need her. Joker had Batman, like she has you. And guess who always ends up as collateral damage,” Kane spat in an accusatory tone.

But Batwoman countered with a promise, saying, “I will protect my city.”

“No, you won’t. Cause you’re done. Get out,” Kane ordered. Batwoman stood her ground, refusing to leave. But Jacob Kane was determined to have the final word on the subject.

“Let this serve as your warning. If I see you again, it’s war,” declared Kane.

In the season finale, the Bat and the Crows will go head-to-head

In Commander Kane’s rooftop chat with Batwoman, he pondered, “guess who always ends up as collateral damage.” Did Kane’s chilling warning to Batwoman foreshadow what is to come in the finale?

In the preview for the season finale, Alice, Mouse, and Hush roam free after escaping from Arkham. On the other hand, the Crows forcefully detain Mary. 

Meanwhile, Batwoman battles an Arkham inmate named Titan. But once he is taken down, armed Crows show up. Is it a trap or a happy coincidence?

Sophie and Julia arrive on the scene, but it remains to be seen whose side they will take. And Kane’s cautionary comment about collateral damage lingers in the atmosphere as the stakes are raised.

“I promised you war. This is what it looks like,” says Commander Kane at the end of the promo. The Batwoman season finale airs on March 17 at 8 p.m. on The CW.

Read more: ‘Batwoman’: Luke Just Proved He’s a Ride or Die Friend, And Kate Knows It