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As CBS recently started hosting open calls for Big Brother 22 hopefuls, BB8 winner Dick “Evel Dick” Donato gave advice to applicants. In his suggestions, he called the BB21 champ Jackson Michie a “blockhead” and insinuated the cast were racists and had “crabs.”

Holly Allen stood up for her boyfriend and castmates and made an Instagram story clapping back at the notorious villain.

Holly Allen Jackson Michie
Jackson Michie and Holly Allen | Ari Perilstein

Dick Donato on ‘Big Brother 8’

In 2007, Los Angeles-based bar owner Dick Donato competed on Big Brother 8 alongside his daughter, Daniele, as part of a “Rivals” twist. Even though the father/daughter duo hadn’t talked in years, they made a dynamic team and lasted to the Final Two, despite the entire house targeting them from the start.

During the season, he attempted to save his daughter several times by making himself a bigger target than her. Therefore, he unleashed personal attacks on the houseguests. Donato’s antics went too far at times as he poured iced tea on a female cast member and later burned her with a lit cigarette.

However, the majority of viewers enjoyed the bar owner and the relationship with his daughter, so he didn’t face any consequences for his actions.

After winning the season, he returned for BB13, again with Daniele, but left after the first week as a result of a positive HIV test. Currently, Donato is a popular podcaster who discusses everything Big Brother.

He heavily criticized the most recent season, BB21, due to the houseguests’ controversial and perceived racist behavior.

Dick Donato bashed the ‘Big Brother 21’ cast on Twitter

In a February 2020 tweet, the BB8 winner advised hopefuls submitting applications for BB22. He suggested they “stay home” if they “are a racist and plan on targeting POC [people of color] from the start.”

Additionally, Donato threw shots at BB21 winner Jackson Michie by advising one not to audition if they are “a blockhead” who is “addicted to watermelon” or “will cheat on slop.”

Finally, he doesn’t want them to apply if they have “crabs,” which the BB21 cast was rumored to have. After the tweet went viral, houseguest Kathryn Dunn clarified no one in the house had the STD.

She claims she made a joke about it to Holly Allen, and then “Twitter ran with it.”

Holly Allen responded to Dick Donato

After Jackson Michie responded to Donato on his Instagram story, his girlfriend and BB21 runner-up Holly Allen quickly followed suit. She started by explaining she knows everyone loves to “bash them” and she “gets it.”

Holly Allen response
via Holly Allen Instagram Story

However, she doesn’t like it when former houseguests do bash them online, “especially when it’s for things that aren’t true” and when they behaved “much worse than what they’re accusing our season of.”

Off-camera Michie included Donato did “actual acts of misogyny and violence,” and Allen captioned the clip that they “can take the scrutiny” not “the hypocrisy.” She also called him “one of the worse misogynists that I’ve ever seen on television.”

Evel Dick Donato Holly Allen
via Holly Allen Instagram Story

Michie again tried to include his opinion off-camera, but Allen cut it off because she’s “not going to get into the details.” She concluded by telling Donato to “kindly go f**k yourself” before signing off to “drink some more wine and eat some good food with the man that she loves.”

The BB8 winner has yet to respond.