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When musicians rise to fame at a young age, it only makes sense that they’ll need a path for growth and change over the years. Billie Eilish found herself “accidentally” famous at the tender age of 13, and her precipitous rise to the spotlight was made all the more jarring by the fact that she hadn’t been expecting it. 

Now 20 years old, the famed singer is determined to continue reaching new heights in her career, a tall order for someone who has already snagged multiple Grammy wins. Recently, Eilish opened up to Vanity Fair about her plans for the future and the bravery it will take to make them happen. 

Billie Eilish sat down with Vanity Fair for the sixth year in a row

A feat in and of itself, Billie Eilish has managed to stay relevant enough to get a coveted interview with Vanity Fair for six consecutive years. Each year she answers the same questions and gets a chance to reflect on her past responses.  

Some of the more personal tidbits that came out during the discussion include Eilish’s joy over her relationship with Jesse Rutherford. The pair have only recently gone public with their romance. While the age gap of more than a decade raised some eyebrows (especially since the pair have known each other since Eilish was 15), they don’t seem to be bothered. In fact, they even dressed as an old man and a baby to poke fun at the critics. In the interview, Eilish explained, “Say what you need to say, but, like, I am in control right now. I did this.” 

With her signature irreverence, Eilish went on about the criticism: “I managed to get my life to a point where I not only was known by a person that I thought was the hottest f***ing f***er alive, but pulled his a**! Are you kidding me? Can we just [get a] round of applause for me?”

Eilish has big plans for the future

Billie Eilish performing at The Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, California
Billie Eilish at The Grammy Museum | Scott Dudelson/Getty Images

These kinds of reflective interviews almost always include a portion on future plans, and this recent discussion was no exception. Billie Eilish was asked about her non-musical aspirations, and in previous years, she said she would keep them to herself. This time, however, she opened up: “I would like to maybe skydive, maybe do, like, a big bungee jump off a cliff or something,” Eilish mused. “I really enjoy fear.”

Apparently, being the center of global attention as a teenager has given her a pretty high threshold for thrills, and Eilish’s 2023 resolutions will see her tapping into a new level of bravery! 

Another way to interpret her more personal goals of daring would be to look back at her comments about “losing” many of her teenage years to fame. The singer has been open about mental health struggles and how fame caused them to intensify. Focusing on these more individual and personal feats of accomplishment may be a way to have more personal control. 

This interpretation would also account for Eilish’s other goals, including getting an electric car and rescuing horses. 

Billie Eilish plans to get ‘buff’

One other area of her life where Billie Eilish has big aspirations is personal fitness. 

She first explained that she’s already made great strides and is very comfortable in her skin and happy with who she is. Now she’s ready to continue that journey: “I just look completely different than, like, ever before, kind of, which makes me feel proud. I worked really hard on it, and I just wanna get really f***ing buff.”

Meanwhile, Rolling Stone reports that Eilish and her brother are already at work on the singer’s next album, so fans don’t need to worry that all of her skydiving and horse rescuing will get in the way of fresh tunes!