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‘Blue Bloods’ Fans Think Joe Hill Will Never Part of the Reagan Family

Blue Bloods fans were surprised to learn there was another Reagan grandson when Joe Hill walked into the family dinner. The long lost son of the late Joe Reagan was an unexpected addition to the Reagan, but they’ve embraced him nonetheless. While the Reagans have tried to make him feel welcome, fans aren’t so sure …

Blue Bloods fans were surprised to learn there was another Reagan grandson when Joe Hill walked into the family dinner. The long lost son of the late Joe Reagan was an unexpected addition to the Reagan, but they’ve embraced him nonetheless. While the Reagans have tried to make him feel welcome, fans aren’t so sure he feels comfortable enough with the family.

Will Hochman as Joe Hill | John Paul Filo/Getty Images

Who is Joe Hill?

Joe is a detective with the NYPD. He was introduced to the show at the end of its tenth season as part of the Reagan family. The tenth season wrapped up with a big cliffhanger that involved Sean discovering that he had a first cousin that no one knew about. Fans find out more about the child when Paula, Joe’s mother, approaches Frank to let him know about Joe’s existence. Paula informs Frank that before Joe Reagan died, she had gotten pregnant with his child. She admitted that she didn’t let the senior Joe know since she thought their relationship wasn’t that serious, which is why Paula didn’t see it as necessary to introduce him to his father’s family.

Frank broke the news about Joe to his family. After much discussion by the Reagans and Paula, she reconsidered her decision of not wanting Joe to meet the rest of the family. The episode ended with Joe arriving at the family diner and introducing himself to the rest of the family.

Joe’s arrival shocked fans and the Reagan family; Tom Selleck himself was also shocked when he learned that Blue Bloods would be introducing Joe. He termed the reveal as emotionally rewarding. The actor who brings Joe to life is called Will Hochman. Hochman has appeared in various other films, including Love and Let Him Go.

Will things change now that Joe has arrived?

No doubt that the Reagans have gone through a lot, however, with Joe’s recent addition to the family, it seems as though he is here to fill the void. Joe is an NYPD detective, which adds more drama to the family. As a part of a family full of members of law enforcement, Joe’s perspective of his work will undoubtedly change. His paternity might also cause more issues for the recent addition to the Reagan family. Joe’s job is a high risk one, and some fans believe that the show’s writers might kill Joe off like his father. Although this theory is merely speculation by the show’s fans, viewers will have to see how the show addresses Joe as the series progresses.

Fans would like Joe to warm up to the Reagans


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Joe never knew about his family until he came to the Reagans’ weekly family dinner. Although he is a Reagan by blood, he wasn’t part of the family, which might make him seem standoffish. When his mother gave birth to him, she named him Joseph Hill to honor Joe Reagan. She, however, insisted that he maintains the surname Hill.

She also requested Frank not to make Joe one of “your own,” meaning that she would prefer that he stayed a Hill rather than a Reagan. Although Joe has been given a seat at the Reagan family dinner, fans on Twitter feel as though he will always feel like an outsider. Some fans, however, believe that it’s just a matter of time before Joe warms up to the Reagans and becomes one of them.