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Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) is considered the person who is always by the book on Blue Bloods. But season 10 has showed him in multiple situations where he didn’t follow the rules at all. Is he slowly being turned into a dishonest sergeant? Here are the reasons why he might be changing.

Jamie Reagan used stolen money to pay off his debts in ‘Blue Bloods’

In the episode, “Careful What You Wish For” Jamie revealed to Eddie (Vanessa Ray) that he has been picking up more shifts to pay off his college loan. He said once that happens they can then start their family.

Eddie suggested to use some money her father left her to pay off the debt. The problem is her father is in prison for being part of a Ponzi scheme. It’s very likely that money was stolen from people, and Jamie understandably didn’t want to use it.

However, Eddie convinced him to use it in the end. They agreed to give part of the money to a family that was scammed by her father to feel better about it. That wouldn’t be the last time this season Eddie would encourage him to not follow his instincts.

He also didn’t turn in a ring of cops for giving away people’s information

Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan, Will Estes as Jamie Reagan on 'Blue Bloods'
Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan, Will Estes as Jamie Reagan on ‘Blue Bloods’ | Patrick Harbron/CBS via Getty Images

Another episode showing Jamie choosing between doing something potentially illegal is “Reckless.” People started getting recommended a specific doctor after being in contact with the NYPD. It looks like their personal information was being given away.

Eddie advised him to stop once Jamie started investigating the matter. She said this involved multiple cops and precincts. Of course, Jamie didn’t stop and he found out multiple cops were suggesting Dr. Rajesh Mehta (Joseph Kamal) to people on the street.

“I get that the doc helped you all out but what you’re doing is wrong,” Jamie told them. That’s because they’re giving people’s private information away. In the end, Jamie decided to look the other away instead of turning them in.

Jamie was told not to be a perfectionist after being investigated


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The most recent episode, “Fog of War” showed one of Jamie’s cops killing another cop during a raid. Jamie was being investigated by IAB because he passed off overseeing the raid to someone else so he could work on a report.

It’s obvious that Jamie’s meeting with IAB really got into his head. Frank (Tom Selleck), Henry (Len Cariou), and Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) sat him down before going to the funeral to talk to him about it.

“Jamie you know how proud I was when you became a cop,” Frank told him. “But I’m pretty sure I told you once that I had a concern. You’re pretty much a perfectionist, and police work’s messy.”

They told him that sometimes he had to accept that things will still go wrong even if he does everything right. They also assured him that the report he was working on was important.

But Jamie’s actions in the past episodes show he is very much not a perfectionist and is starting to do some illegal things or overlook them. Some fans were angry because it goes against his character.

It’s unclear if this will lead to some big consequences or the show is portraying it as just part of the job. However, season 10 might be showing a different kind of Jamie.