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Conor McGregor is perhaps one of the greatest MMA fighters in the history of the sport. While he’s not unbeatable, he’s the first person to win and hold two UFC belts at the same time. Along the way, he’s also helped popularize the sport, and by doing that, he’s also gotten really rich.

However, like most athletes, McGregor didn’t start out with much. But, like many successful athletes, when Conor McGregor finally made it big, one of the first things that he did was spoil the people that he loved. 

Conor McGregor with his family before a UFC fight
Conor McGregor taking a picture with his family | Mike Roach/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

A look at how Conor McGregor became famous

McGregor has been fighting professionally since 2008, but he didn’t really get his big break until 2013 when he joined the UFC. When he got into the UFC, he quickly made a name for himself with his hard-hitting punches and witty sense of humor.

In fact, after he won his first UFC fight, he made a meme by saying, “60 G’s baby!,” which was a reference to how much money he’d get if he was awarded with a performance bonus. McGregor got that bonus. 

He’d continue beating his opponents and in 2015, he was given an interim title shot against Chad Mendes. He knocked Mendes out in the second round, and once again, he was given a performance bonus.

Even though he had not reached the peak of his popularity yet, at this point in time, he had more than enough money in his bank account to buy presents for the people he loved.

That time Conor McGregor bought his family BMWs

According to The Irish Times, after returning home from his victory against Mendes, McGregor sat down with his family and his team of accountants. McGregor then explained to his loved ones exactly what he was going to do. First, he paid off the mortgage on his family home, and then he gave it to his parents so that they could live there for good.

Then, he gave each of his loved ones a brand-new BMW. His mom and dad each got a BMW, as did each of his two sisters, and his long-term girlfriend also got a BMW.

It’s not clear what types of BMW each person got, but his dad got a brand-new BMW 5-Series, according to The Irish Times. Since this happened in 2015, these BMWs were likely from the 2016 model year, too. 

A brand-new 5-Series starts at about $50,000, but it’s possible that McGregor added some options onto those gift cars. Since McGregor was a millionaire by this point in time, he probably didn’t have to skimp on any optional features. That said, this type of love isn’t new to McGregor.

Caring about his country and family


Does Conor McGregor Have Any Children?

Like The Irish Times wrote, Conor McGregor, when he was climbing the ranks, fantasized about doing this type of gift-giving for a long time. He’s always wanted to just surprise his loved ones with something like this, and in 2015, he finally could do it. That said, this wasn’t something that McGregor only did one time for his family. 

Recently, McGregor donated $1 million worth of PPE to local Irish hospitals and clinics. He did this in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but he’s also done similar donations in the past. For example, when he was promoting his whiskey, he donated a lot of money to first responder charities.

McGregor, as a person, is simply someone who cares a lot about those who are close to him. While he’s a very popular and rich person right now, he’ll likely continue doing similar acts in the future as he continues to become more famous.