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The Duggar family seems to be busy trying to figure out a way to make Jim Bob Duggar look good. In recent months, Derick Dillard has taken to social media to air the family’s dirty laundry. While Jim Bob and his wife, Michelle Duggar, haven’t publicly commented on Derick’s accusations, some fans believe he has his other children, the ones who remain financially dependent on him, doing damage control. At least it looks like Jessa Duggar seems to be trying to spin the narrative.

Jessa posted a 52-minute ode to her father

Jessa has been sharing videos on YouTube for several months now. Most of her content focuses on her young, growing family. She’s shared haircutting tutorials, organizational tips, and commiserated about picky eaters with her followers. On April 6, however, her channel deviated a bit. Instead of her traditional 10-minute long videos, Jessa uploaded a 52-minute video talking about her father.

The video focused heavily on Jessa’s favorite memories of her father. She covered what he taught her as a child and how she cherishes the relationship they’ve developed now that she’s an adult. Jessa’s memories would seem sweet, if family followers weren’t currently invested in the ongoing drama between Jim Bob and his outspoken son-in-law, Derick. Family followers are pretty sure Jessa’s decision to post an ode to her father was motivated by the family drama, and some even think Jim Bob put her up to it.

Fans think Jessa’s motivation for her recent video is incredibly transparent

It’s only been a week and a half since Derick sat down to answer questions about life with the Duggars. The lengthy interview with YouTube channel, Without a Crystal Ball, did little to paint the Duggar family in a positive light. For the most part, Derick simply reiterated what he had previously shared via social media, yet it still seems like a public relations nightmare for the Duggars.

That’s why fans find Jessa’s recent video to be a bit suspect. Most agree that the timing is oddly coincidental. Several family followers believe Jessa was encouraged to make the video to help control the damage. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen. But the evidence is pretty compelling. After all, she never felt the need to spend 50 minutes talking about her father before Derick spoke out.

Is Jim Bob still calling the shots for Jessa and Ben?

Jessa has long been considered the most opinionated and outspoken of the Duggar kids. Family followers note that the mother of three seems to wear the pants in her household, even if it’s only proverbially, but at the end of the day, it seems like Jim Bob is still calling the shots, and Jessa is going along for the ride. Family critics think her decision to speak so lovingly about her father is financially motivated.

Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, still appear to be entirely financially dependent on the family for their income. Ben, who married Jessa in 2014, has failed to hold down traditional employment since his wedding day. Instead, he is employed by Jim Bob and Michelle as the family tutor. Jessa, who has a growing YouTube channel, doesn’t seem to be earning enough to sustain her family of five, at least not yet. Social Blade predicts that Jessa is likely earning between $200 and $4,000 per month from her channel, before taxes. The channel is still new, so she’s likely collecting closer to the low end of the range.