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Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo don’t have much in common with the rest of Duggar’s famous family these days. However, they all still seem to have a very close relationship. But now, Duggar appears to have drifted apart from her parents in terms of lifestyle, yet she doesn’t seem to have landed close enough to the mainstream American crowd. And it’s becoming evident that she and Vuolo are at a bit of a crossroads in terms of who they are.

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo
Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo | Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images

Duggar and Vuolo don’t follow Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar’s rules

When Duggar and Vuolo first wed, it seemed immediately clear that they wouldn’t live right next door to her parents for their whole lives. Vuolo was introduced to them through Jessa and Ben Seewald, and though he was very religious, he wasn’t used to the same lifestyle as the rest of the family.

The couple moved to Laredo, Texas shortly after they wed, and from there, they started to separate themselves from her family. Duggar began wearing pants and even dyed her hair; she started to eliminate religion from her social media profiles to connect more with those who didn’t share her same religious values.

The two are more mainstream — but is it enough?

Now, Duggar and Vuolo live in California and, on the surface, it would be hard to tell that they’re so closely connected to Christianity. The two are raising their daughter much more modernly than Duggar was raised, and they seem to do ordinary things that young families do.

Despite their new image, Duggar hasn’t been winning over fans in the way she’d hoped. She has 1.3 million Instagram followers, and she’s had various sponsorships pulled from her over people complaining that no brand should support Duggar and her ultra-conservative views.

The couple doesn’t seem to fit in with either side at this point

Duggar and Vuolo don’t seem to be in a position where they would ever return to Arkansas to live like the rest of her family. However, they don’t appear to be meshing too well with those who don’t share the same values as them, either.

Between Duggar pulling away from her family to live life on her own terms, and mainstream Americans not buying what she and Vuolo are selling, the two don’t seem to fit in well with either end of the beliefs and values spectrum.  

It appears they’re hoping to edge closer to mainstream America

Duggar and Vuolo are becoming more mainstream by the day. Duggar recently posted a video to her Instagram story of her daughter, Felicity, wearing a Roswell shirt and playing with Baby Shark — something her other family members would never allow their own children to do.  

The two seem to be edging closer to the way modern-day Americans live. However, their beliefs seem to put them at odds with those they are trying to appeal to the most. In time, though, Duggar and Vuolo might even change the way they see the world now that they’re living in a place like Los Angeles. But it could be a while before that happens. Â