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‘Days of Our Lives’ Star Christie Clark Recovering from Coronavirus with Husband

Life is quite unusual these days. With coronavirus (COVID-19) affecting people from all walks of life, even some of your favorite celebrities are getting sick. From Andy Cohen to funnyman Tom Hanks and his wife, it seems every day there’s a new celebrity making the news with a diagnosis. And even though soaps are on …

Life is quite unusual these days. With coronavirus (COVID-19) affecting people from all walks of life, even some of your favorite celebrities are getting sick. From Andy Cohen to funnyman Tom Hanks and his wife, it seems every day there’s a new celebrity making the news with a diagnosis. And even though soaps are on hiatus right now, that hasn’t kept some of your favorite soap stars from getting coronavirus either. Take Christie Clark, for example. She and her husband are finally on the mend after their battle with the virus.

Christie Clark, Days of Our Lives alum

Kate Mansi, Patrick Muldoon, Christie Clark, Austin Peck and Terri Conn
Kate Mansi, Patrick Muldoon, Christie Clark, Austin Peck and Terri Conn | Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Days Of Our Lives

Clark was born in California in 1973, so the spotlight was almost always in her future. Her first role wasn’t actually in the soap world, but as Angela Walsh in 1985’s A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge. Clark made her debut as Carrie Brady on Days of Our Lives in 1986, where she played the character for numerous years off and on, even making a brief return in 2018. Her last departure was so that she could travel the world with her family, and she ultimately ended up in England, where she resides currently. 

In her first years, she played a young Carrie, winning two Youth in Film Awards. She left the show for two years, and upon her return, was an adult with a business mindset. She has received two Emmy nominations, was part of the “Hottest Romance” couple with co-star Austin Peck. During her break after her exit in 1999, Clark traveled around the world and met her future husband, Thomas Barnes. They were married in 2002 and have three kids. 

Coronavirus is hitting people hard

Not all people are sharing their experience with coronavirus publicly, so when someone does, it gives a peek into what it must really be like. Clark is one of the celebrities who are currently on the mend after battling coronavirus for over 10 days. She took to Instagram to keep fans posted on what the virus was like for her and her family. 

“This is most likely a coronavirus story,” she shared. “Can’t get tested unless you check in to hospital in the U.K. Woke up Tuesday with chills, fever, headache, body aches and major sore throat. Was in bed for 3 days…zapped of energy. Our yoga instructor was told she had it and I was with her 5 days previous to getting this strange virus.”

She acknowledged that most people aren’t affected that badly and that she’s had worse flu symptoms. However, she was particularly worried about her parents and in-laws. She also thanked her neighbor in her post, “This angel made dinner for us every night and left it on our door.” She recommended that people stock up on easy dinners, in case “two parents get it at the same time which is what happened to my husband and me.”

How Christie Clark is recovering

In a recent Instagram post, Clark shared that she was just starting to feel OK after 10 days or so of having the virus. “Oh my goodness, just starting to feel ok on this end. My husband Tom and I have had coronavirus fairly bad. Not as bad as some, no hospital needed.” She further shared that having the virus is hard when you have kids. “When you get it, you can’t call the grandparents for help, cause they will get sick.”

They’re not the only ones in their circle of friends that have had it either. “We know about 10 people in our little circle that have had it. Like clockwork, Day 7,8,&9 were tricky and haven’t been able to taste food for a while.” But the best part of her recovery is most likely her excitement about getting back to normal – at least normal in the world of coronavirus. “So excited to be in the land of the living again & start exercising…soon.”

What other celebs are saying 

Some outspoken celebrities certainly have theories about the coronavirus. Kourtney Kardashian thinks it’s God’s way of punishing us. Cardi B leans more toward conspiracy theories. But many celebs just want to help you through these tough times with some motivational words as a way to say, “Hang in there.”