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Demi Lovato Shared Her Honest Take on Body Positivity and How She Sees Things Differently

Body issues are still an ongoing problem in the showbiz community, despite awareness of it in the mainstream. Things are starting to change outside of the industry. However, there’s still far too much body shaming that sets the precedent of skinny equaling good. After a near fatal drug overdose in 2018, Demi Lovato has an …

Body issues are still an ongoing problem in the showbiz community, despite awareness of it in the mainstream. Things are starting to change outside of the industry. However, there’s still far too much body shaming that sets the precedent of skinny equaling good.

After a near fatal drug overdose in 2018, Demi Lovato has an all-new philosophy on body positivity. She’s setting a new term many hope will stick in her industry so there’s less stigma attached to what someone’s body shape is.

As Lovato mounts a tremendous music career comeback, it’s worth looking at what new attitudes she’s setting for herself.

Demi Lovato says that pressure over her body image led to her overdose

Podcasts are great forums for notables to expound on things they maybe wouldn’t say on radio or TV. Since podcasts are unfiltered, anything can be said— though Lovato is already open and honest about everything she’s gone through in the last year.

When recently guesting on Ashley Graham’s podcast (Pretty Big Deal), Lovato wasn’t afraid to say her obsession with wanting to look slim created a cascade effect of bringing her down mentally. It was a stunning revelation; it opened a major pathway into realizing how much body image can wreak havoc on the psyche of anyone famous.

Part of this came in revealing she had exercise addiction, a problem not usually spoken about enough. She also started going into extreme dieting, creating an eating disorder in the process.

All of this was attributed to the music industry pressuring her to have a sexy body shape and constantly battling herself to look a certain way. Now she’s nurtured an all-new psychological stance on this everyone should be willing to listen to.

What happened to Demi Lovato could happen to any other woman in the music industry

Demi Lovato holding a microphone in front of a pink background
Demi Lovato | Rich Fury/Getty Images

With Lovato’s revelations about body image, everyone should take notice at what the music industry may be doing to other women. Unfortunately, that’s more than a little clear when seeing provocative album covers. Many women pop stars having to stay in shape for stage performances.

Maybe some of them succeed, yet the pressure to look a certain way can’t be good for their mental health. For Lovato, she made it clear on the podcast: “I was thinking I found recovery and then I didn’t, and living this kind of lie, and trying to tell the world that I was happy with myself when I really wasn’t.”

After Lovato’s recovery following her overdose, she became adamant she’d change her perception of her body: from one of body positivity to one of body acceptance. Her openness of this should be looked at seriously by all of her peers in the showbiz world.

Other famous women may start to look at body acceptance as a positive life choice. If so, it might start to shift thinking on what society should expect of notables if wanting to live in reality.

Will her stance on body acceptance become the new norm?

To start her road to recovery and body acceptance, Lovato posted an unfiltered pic of herself in a bikini on Instagram. She felt relieved to be able to show her real body shape without worrying about negative comments or editing the image to make her look skinnier.

This is truly great news for her own mental state. Now it might broach discussions of it being the same issue for hundreds of other famous women in the entertainment industry.

The faster society can adopt Lovato’s way of thinking, the better the world will be in accepting everyone. Living in a fantasy where everyone has to look like chiseled gods or goddesses may finally be exposed for being mentally dangerous, even if physically achievable for some.