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Dolly Parton’s flirtatious nature has been a part of her public image for years. She has an easy rapport with interviewers and talks openly about her celebrity crushes. According to Parton, though, men did not approach her all that often. Her guitarist said that when they did, she seemed irritated.

Dolly Parton didn’t like it when men got too flirtatious with her

Parton is beautiful, friendly, and magnetic. She connects well with many people and enjoys flirting, but she never liked it much when men were overly suggestive with her.

“I’ve never seen a man get physical with her, but I’ve seen men get very suggestive after one too many drinks,” her guitarist Tom Rutledge said in the book Dolly by Alanna Nash. “I know it really, really tees her off, but you’d never know it until afterwards, when she says, ‘That son of a b****.’”

A black and white picture of Dolly Parton playing guitar and standing in front of a microphone.
Dolly Parton | Bettmann/Contributor via Getty

Rutledge said Parton had no problem making her feelings clear to anyone she felt was crossing a line.

“But she handles it well,” Rutledge said. “She’ll put him down to where he’ll lose his passion pretty quick. She’s good at making her feelings known to someone.”

She said people don’t approach her as often as one might think

According to Parton, this doesn’t happen all that often. When it did happen to her, she said she sometimes enjoys talking, but would never act on any feelings she may have.

“This is the honest truth, but I have had very few people ever proposition me,” she said. “I’ve been standin’ with girl friends when people just say everything to them or just come up and pretty well ask ’em. You know, I have been well thought of, and I have shared conversations with many people. I know that there have been people who have wanted to share more with me, and I would have probably wanted to share more with them, but I was already, well … I just wasn’t the kind that would go on and do that, because of my own principles and my own morals, and because of my own marriage and my family.”

Parton said that when she does feel uncomfortable, she’s able to joke her way through the situation.

“I think I could handle it, though, because the way I’ve always been able to get in or out of anything is to joke in a playful way,” she said. “If somebody asked me that, I would pretend it was a joke and that they were kidding. I’d say, ‘Oh, sure, I’ll meet you out back!’ in a playful way. But I think they always know.”

Dolly Parton said she likes to flirt with men

For the most part, the singer said she enjoys flirtatious banter. 

A black and white picture of Dolly Parton wearing sunglasses and looking sideways at the camera. She smiles with her mouth open.
Dolly Parton | Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

Porter Wagoner Wrote a Poem About Dolly Parton That Raised Some Eyebrows in Her Hometown

“Men flirted with me, but I was a flirt myself,” Parton said on The Howard Stern Show. “I never took it wrong, because, you gotta remember, I had six brothers, and my dad, and my uncles, and I loved men. There’s only been a few uncomfortable moments, but I think anybody would have those. It’s just not somebody taking you as serious as you are until you really make them know, ‘Hey, I’m serious here, knock it off.’”