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Michelle Tanner is known for her impulse purchases, whether sheā€™s buying a gag tie for her fatherā€™s Christmas present or a life-size cutout of ā€œBig Sidā€ instead of a television. She even spent over $200 on a pet donkey while out shopping with Kimmy Gibbler.Ā 

Hereā€™s what we know about the episode of Full House featuring Shorty, the donkey.

'Full House' episode titled 'You Pet It, You Bought It'
ā€˜Full Houseā€™ episode titled ā€˜You Pet It, You Bought Itā€™ | Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Photo Archives/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Michelle Tanner accidentally bought a donkey during the ā€˜You Pet It, You Bought Itā€™ episode of ā€˜Full Houseā€™

The youngest Tanner sister was pretty creative. During one episode of this series, Michelle sold lemonade to construction workers on a hot day. As a result, she earned over $200, shocking her family members.Ā 

Danny Tanner let Kimmy Gibbler take Michelle to the candy store, to spend her well-earned profit. On the way, however, she stopped by a petting zoo. The owner then sold a donkey to Michelle for the exact amount of money that she had. Because it was a mobile petting zoo, the Tanner family was stuck with the loud animal as a pet.Ā 

That night, the family couldnā€™t sleep because the donkey, named Shorty, was so loud. They discovered that the only thing that would keep the animal quiet was when Uncle Jesse sang to him.

Uncle Jesse sang the ā€˜Threeā€™s Companyā€™ song for this episode of ā€˜Full Houseā€™

Throughout this episode, Uncle Jesse was stuck singing the Threeā€™s Company song for other members of the family. The issue was that he didnā€™t know the words to the song. When he was tasked with singing to keep Shorty quiet, he and Michelle made up lyrics throughout the night.Ā 

ā€œWeā€™ve got a thing, and some things, and some things, and,ā€ Uncle Jesse sang. ā€œYou need some donkey mouthwash, too.ā€

After a long night, the family finally got rid of Shorty. Unfortunately for Michelle, the Tanner family decided to donate the donkey instead of sell it. It wasnā€™t until the end of the episode that Uncle Jesse learned the actual lyrics to this theme song, singing it one final time with the rest of the characters from Full House.Ā 


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The Tanner family eventually adopted a dog named Comet

Shorty wasnā€™t the only pet to appear in the Tanner house. After taking care of a dog named Minnie, the Tanners adopted one of her babies ā€” a Golden Retriever named Comet. For some episodes, Michelle Tanner had a goldfish that she named Martin.Ā 

For the original Netflix spinoff series, Fuller House, DJ Tanner and her family adopted another Golden Retriever puppy. In honor of her childhood pet, the dog was named Cosmo and appeared in several episodes of the sitcom.

The ā€œYou Pet It, You Bought Itā€ episode of Full House is available for streaming on Hulu. The entire seasons of Fuller House are available on the subscription service, Netflix.