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Judge Mathis and his family decided to go on a camping trip. Their journey was captured on the TV show Mathis Family Matters Season 1 Episode 5.

 During the trip, Greg Jr. was angry because his boyfriend was asked to cook for the family while they had fun camping. Here’s what happened last time on the reality show.

Judge Mathis’ daughter planned a family camping trip

Greg Mathis Jr. poses with boyfriend Elliott Cooper during a party for Mathis Family Matters.
Greg Mathis Jr. and Elliott Cooper from Mathis Family Matters | Photo by Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

Mathis’ daughter, Camara, decided to plan an overnight camping trip for the family. She thought it would be fun to gather everyone and spend quality time together.

Camara says her family is used to five-star vacations and traveling on private planes, so she thought this would be a nice change. She wants to get everyone out of their comfort zone and encourage them to experience something new.

Mathis didn’t want to go camping at first, but his daughter convinced him to go. At the end of the camping trip, he said spending the night in the RV wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be.

One complaint his youngest son, Amir, had was that his girlfriend, Sally, wasn’t invited. Hopefully things between Sally and Mathis are OK after he asked her if she was on crack.

Greg Jr. was angry that his boyfriend had to cook for the family

When the family arrived at the campsite, Camara gave everyone a task. She divided tasks into cleanup, safety, babysitting, cooking, and hosting. Greg Jr. says Camara is the “mini version” of their mother, and she keeps everything in order.

Greg’s boyfriend, Elliott, had the task of cooking. It was a large group, so it took him a long time to prepare dinner (this is exactly why The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond prefers cooking simple meals).

“Everybody gets to sit here and have fun and he has to cook for us?” says Greg, angrily. “Are you kidding me?”

Greg wanted Elliott to be included in the festivities. He didn’t think it was fair that Elliott was off by himself, serving everyone else. However, everything was OK after Elliott and Greg spoke. Elliott said he didn’t mind being by himself, and he made sure to set aside a plate of food and a drink.

“It is kind of hell,” said Elliott. “But I’m not going to lie. It was like being on my own little island without any of you all around chattering. So, it was kind of peaceful—especially with the tequila.”

Elliott and Greg’s relationship is taking a serious step

Greg is ready to announce to the world that he is gay. His desire is to become an LGBTQ advocate. However, Elliott isn’t sure if he’s ready to take that step. Greg is concerned that coming out could put strain on his relationship with Elliott. Once Greg comes out, people will be curious about who he’s dating. This will likely force Elliott to share his truth. He’s still trying to figure out how to balance work life and personal life.

Elliott says he hasn’t fully come out yet. He has, however, come out to his father. He says after he revealed his sexuality to his father, he told him that he needed time to process the information.

RELATED: Judge Mathis Was Concerned About His Son’s Behavior

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