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Ray Fisher, the actor known for playing the superhero Cyborg in Justice League, has been speaking out about alleged abuses on set. In July, he slammed director Joss Whedon for his “gross” and “unprofessional” behavior. And in a recent social media post, Fisher called out producer Geoff Johns for making a  “thinly veiled threat” to his career. 

Ray Fisher
Ray Fisher | Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Ray Fisher portrayed Cyborg in ‘Justice League’

Fisher made his first appearance as Victor Stone, aka Cyborg in the 2016 film, Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. In 2017, he reprised the role alongside Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, and Ezra Miller for Justice League.

While Justice League was still in production, director Zack Snyder was hit with a family tragedy. He stepped away from the project to grieve with his family, so Warner Bros. Avengers director Joss Whedon to take his place.

Whedon finished Justice League with reshoots and CGI effects that left fans disappointed.  Demand to see Snyder’s vision for the film grew, and the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut was born. 

Some of the film’s stars, including Gadot and Affleck retweeted the hashtag, suggesting they were also unhappy with Whedon’s version. The Snyder cut of Justice League is scheduled to hit HBO Max in 2021.

Geoff Johns was a producer on ‘Justice League’

Marvel and DC comic book writer/film producer Geoff Johns served as a producer on both  Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. He has been working in TV and film for years, and is credited for projects like Green Lantern, Smallville, and Arrow.Currently, Johns serves as the creator and showrunner of DC’s Stargirl, which is based on his DC comic, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E..

But in July 2020, Johns was caught up in controversy when Fisher accused him and producer Jon Berg of being complicit in Whedon’s abuses on the set of Justice League

“Joss Wheadon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable,” Fisher wrote in a tweet. “He was enabled, in many ways, by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg.  Accountability>Entertainment.”

Johns and Whedon did not respond to Fisher’s allegations. But Berg insisted that the actor’s claims that he enabled Whedon were untrue. 

Ray Fisher says Geoff Johns made ‘veiled threats’

Fisher has been pretty vocal about his disdain for Whedon and Johns’ behavior on the set of Justice League. In an August 2020 JusticeCon panel, he went as far as to suggest that Whedon “sue” him if anything he said was not proven to be true. 

And in a recent tweet, Fisher put the focus back on Johns. He claimed that the producer made an indirect threat to his career while they were reshooting Justice League.


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“During the LA reshoots for Justice League, Geoff Johns summoned me to his office to belittle and admonish my (and my agent’s) attempts to take grievances up the proper chain of command,” Fisher tweeted. “He then made a thinly veiled threat to my career. This behavior cannot continue.”

It’s unclear what “grievances” Fisher is referring to. But in his earlier tweets, he called out Johns for enabling Whedon’s abusive behavior on set. So it’s possible he had complained about Whedon, only to be reprimanded by Johns.

But this is just speculation. Until Fisher elaborates further, or Johns comes forward with a response, fans won’t know exactly went down between the two.