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When Kelly Clarkson launched her own talk show in 2019, she explained to the audience that she wanted her show to be about the “spirit of community, connection, and fellowship.”

The singer’s settled into her new gig as a celebrity host and brings a girl-next-door vibe to the table with all her guests.

And she’s certainly keeping up the spirit of fellowship. Clarkson recently connected with country music star Clint Black and she wound up sharing an embarrassing account about pooping backstage.

Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ | Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty Images

Kelly Clarkson chatted up Clint Black on her show

During a recent episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show, Clint Black stopped by to talk about his current projects, including his new Cowboy Coffee venture. After he and Clarkson bonded over their love for Texas, Black discussed his upcoming talk show called Talking in Circles.

It’s set to premiere on the Circle Network in May and will feature other artists who are down to have fun, open conversations. Black described it as a “fly-on-the-wall” show where musicians talk one-on-one as if they were in the Green Room.

Clarkson mentioned that setting would work well for her as she has the tendency to speak with no filter.

That led to Black sharing an anecdote about singer Sara Evans telling a story about when she peed on stage. His series is the perfect environment to swap such tales. “How many of us haven’t peed on stage?” asked Black.

Clarkson told Clint Back about her own bathroom emergency

After Black brought up the Evans’ tidbit, Clarkson felt comfortable enough to segue into her own awkward “TMI” story about needing to use the restroom during a show. She warned that hers did not involve going number one — and it happened during an arena show.

“There was one time it wasn’t pee, my friend,” Clarkson said. “I got some kind of wrecked up from some kind of food and I literally — I shouldn’t tell this story,” she continued. Clarkson explained her stomach was in distress and when she left the stage to change her costume, she sought the nearest receptacle.

“I had to run backstage to my quick change. I grabbed this poor trash can and boy I destroyed it. It was bad,” Clarkson said to chuckles. She joked they may have to edit her graphic storytelling session out of the segment. Meanwhile, Black said he had to visualize what happened to her.


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Fans found Clarkson’s story endearing

No one was expecting Clarkson’s self-proclaimed TMI moment, but some of her fans appreciated it and found her hilarious. Directly under the YouTube clip, viewers laughed and commented that it made her so much more relatable. They love that she says whatever is on her mind.

In the past, Clarkson famously overshared an aspect of her marital life when a teen winner from The Voice was a guest on her show.

Clarkson was asked what she did before going to bed every night, and she candidly replied, “I was single for many years. So, I have children now, and how one makes children is generally what I do before bed. That’s not a lie, that’s real!”