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For the most part, Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians aren’t known for their healthy attitudes about bodies. They’ve been accused in the past of fueling a damaging obsession with losing weight and looking perfect.

But fans have noticed that at least one Kardashian seems to have her head on straight when it comes to body issues. Kourtney Kardashian is sharing some major self-acceptance vibes, and people love it. 

She takes the issue seriously as a mom

Kourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian | Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

As the mother of a daughter, Kardashian is aware that her attitude toward her body has the potential to hurt Penelope.

That’s why she’s careful about the words she uses. In one episode of KUWTK, she told her mother, Kris Jenner, not to say “fat” around Penelope. 

“There are so many conversations that we have without thinking the kids are listening. I just don’t want to start getting anybody self-conscious,” she explained, per Shape.

And Kardashian has seen for herself how her attitude can affect her daughter. 

“They say if a mother is confident about her body, that the daughters are way more likely to not have eating disorders. I’m fine about my body but I’ll notice little things. If I’m like, ‘Ugh, I hate this outfit! I’m changing!’ My daughter will try on tons of outfits before she’s happy,” she said.

If her comments are any measure, she’s doing a great job of being confident about her body.

Kourtney Kardashian didn’t let trolls get to her

Recently Kardashian posted a video on Instagram of her answering fan questions. One person pointed out that people had been commenting on pictures she’d posted, asking if she was pregnant. Her response was a great example of what it looks like to accept yourself as you are. 

“I commented back and said, ‘This is the shape of my body. I’ve definitely gained a few pounds over this quarantine time and I love my body and I’m proud of my shape,'” she said. In fact, she made it clear that she wasn’t afraid to let people see what she looks like, or she wouldn’t be putting herself out there as she does.

“I’m obviously posting it and this is the shape of my body. I don’t think I look pregnant at all. We’re all shaped differently and that’s my body and I’m proud of it. So that’s how I respond to the negative comments. It’s not always easy.”

Kardashian’s body-positive comments aren’t just good for her and her daughter — her fans are loving it. 

Fans loved her comments


People Think They Know When Kourtney Kardashian’s ‘Falling Out’ With Kim and Khloé Really Started

In a recent conversation on Reddit, people couldn’t get enough of Kardashian’s reaction. 

“LOVE LOVE LOVE KOURTNEY’S RESPONSE,” one fan said, saying, “with all the body image issues people are facing today, it’s nice to see a woman embrace her weight, even when she has gained a few pounds!” Plenty of people agreed, saying that her accepting attitude was inspiring. 

“Love her response and LOVE that she didn’t edit out the little bit of mama pudge she does have,” one gushed. 

Of course, this is the Kardashians, so people couldn’t help but wonder if this accepting attitude wouldn’t stir up some drama.

“I wonder what her thoughts are about her sister’s body altering procedures? I’d love to know what she thinks considering she likes to do the “all natural” things,” a fan mused. 

“I think she’s glad that she didn’t go down the severe plastic surgery route like Kim and khloe,” another responded. “She looks the most youthful out of the 3 of them, and I also think it validates to her that her “healthy” lifestyle is superior, which I think gets under Kim’s skin.”

Whether Kardashian’s body-positive attitude causes conflict or not, it seems that plenty of fans are happy to see at least one member of the family keeping a level head about how they look.