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‘Married at First Sight’: Mindy Shiben Was Shocked That Zach Justice Didn’t Even Do This With Her On Their Honeymoon

Mindy Shiben and Zach Justice struggled with their physical chemistry from day one of their marriage on Lifetime's 'Married at First Sight.' On the Feb. 5 episode, Mindy admitted she felt 'empty' after her honeymoon with Zach because of his lack of attraction to her.

Mindy Shiben and Zach Justice didn’t seem like a good match to many fans of Lifetime’s Married at First Sight from the very start. While 34-year-old Mindy, a figure skating coach, was quirky, down-to-earth, and family-oriented, personal trainer Zach seemed to have his head a bit more in the clouds. Some fans thought he seemed too egocentric and image-conscious for Mindy, who recently went through both the death of her sister and a devastating miscarriage.

What’s more, Zach admitted early on that he wasn’t yet physically attracted to his wife. For past MAFS couples, a lack of chemistry has spelled doom and gloom, leading some viewers to predict this couple’s marriage would crash and burn as well.

On the Feb. 5 episode of Married at First Sight Season 10, Zach continued to reveal that he wasn’t all that into Mindy in terms of a physical connection. Mindy felt so lost during her honeymoon that she admitted to leaving her trip to Panama “empty” and brokenhearted.

Mindy Shiben
Mindy Shiben | MAFS Lifetime via Instagram

Zach admitted he had to ‘search for attraction’

In a discussion with the other MAFS Season 10 grooms, Zach said of sex with his new wife, “I’m not even close.”

He explained he felt he had to “search” for a physical attraction to Mindy, leaving the other husbands dumbfounded. “I’ve never been in this position where I have to search for attraction,” Zach shared.

He continued, “We’re friends right now and that’s where it’s at.”

“It sounds like Zach’s not attracted to Mindy,” Brandon Reid told Lifetime producers. He added that, if he wasn’t attracted to his significant other, “there would be no significant other.”

Derek Sherman, meanwhile, said Zach talked in circles and was “confusing as f***,” admitting he didn’t know what to make of Zach’s confession about his attraction to Mindy.

The personal trainer said they had ‘nothing but challenges’ on their honeymoon

After a tense, affection-free honeymoon, Zach admitted he sometimes thought the marriage was a mistake. He confessed to feeling “nothing” during his first kiss with Mindy and wondered why there wasn’t anything between them yet.  

The Married at First Sight star lamented, “There’s supposed to be something here…We’ve had nothing but challenges this whole time.” He added, “I genuinely don’t know what to do.”

In a phone call with MAFS expert Dr. Viviana Coles, Mindy tearfully shared that she didn’t even know why Zach wanted to go on the show in the first place. “He gets nervous with the words ‘husband,’ ‘wife,’ ‘marriage,’” she revealed, adding that he told her he didn’t find her physically attractive.

Mindy called her Panama honeymoon ‘disappointing’

Before Mindy and Zach left Panama, Mindy told producers she was devastated while she packed to head home. She admitted the lack of affection Zach had given her after her marriage left her feeling “empty.”

“There is a part of me that feels a little empty when I’m packing my things because my honeymoon was disappointing,” the Married at First Sight star said.

Looking brokenhearted, she added, “My husband barely kissed me on our honeymoon or held my hand. My husband told me he wasn’t attracted to me. Like, that’s not a honeymoon.”

Many MAFS viewers thought Mindy didn’t deserve Zach’s treatment of her. “Yeah Zach ready for this ‘experiment’ to be over,” one Twitter user wrote during the episode. “I feel bad for Mindy.”

Another fan wrote on Twitter, “Most men would find Mindy attractive, intelligent and nice. Too bad she got stuck with Zach!”