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Taylor Dunklin and Brandon Reid had an explosive start to their marriage on Lifetime’s Married at First Sight Season 10, and things haven’t gotten much better for the newlyweds since then.

Brandon struggled with filming and even argued with Lifetime production crew members. After his blowup on the couple’s honeymoon in Panama, Taylor seemed to shut down. And when Taylor posted an Instagram story in which she declared herself to be “single,” Brandon lost it and moved out of the apartment without a word to his wife.

In an In Touch Weekly-exclusive sneak peek clip of the Mar. 4 episode of Married at First Sight, “I Want You To Want Me,” Taylor and Brandon’s counseling session with Dr. Pepper Schwartz goes awry. Taylor tells her husband she doesn’t know why he’s so angry and refuses to apologize for her controversial video.

Taylor Dunklin
Taylor Dunklin | MAFS Lifetime via Instagram

Taylor posted an Instagram story about being ‘single’

Brandon’s behavior on his honeymoon with Taylor—from cursing her out in public to giving her the silent treatment and fighting with Lifetime producers—left Taylor cold once they returned to Washington, D.C., and moved in together.

After a tumultuous few weeks of marriage, it didn’t seem any problems between them had been resolved. Taylor accused Brandon of spending most of his time playing video games and putting in little to no effort. Meanwhile, Brandon claimed his wife spent most of her time on social media and didn’t try to connect with him.

The final straw, at least for Brandon, came when Taylor took to her Instagram stories to declare herself a “single woman.” The Married at First Sight bride gave a list of requirements for the perfect man. “I guess I’ll just be single forever and ever and ever,” she joked at the end of the video.

Brandon said he felt betrayed by the video and moved out of the apartment without saying a word. “I don’t feel safe in this house with her,” he told producers before he left his keys on the table.

A sneak peek shows Taylor refusing to apologize

In the preview clip, Taylor and Brandon finally meet up again after a long period of silence to discuss their marital issues with Dr. Schwartz.

For her part, Taylor claims not to know what’s gotten Brandon so angry or what led him to move out.

“I’m very confused, because as far as I know, I haven’t done anything to you,” Taylor tells Brandon in the sneak peek. “So I would like to know what these actions are, and I’ve asked. But I’ve never heard. He’s the one that moved out, so I’m just confused at what my actions are.” Brandon looks baffled in response, smirking sarcastically as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

Dr. Schwartz, who also seems surprised, is determined to try to help the Married at First Sight couple make amends. “I mean, I can go and tick off the list of things I don’t think you’ve been nice to each other about, or I don’t share your specific perspective on, but that’s just me,” she tells the newyleds, trying to stay objective. “I’m trying to help you guys.”

The ‘Married at First Sight’ star insists the video wasn’t about Brandon

The Married at First Sight expert seems to try to prompt Taylor to apologize with a probing question. “Is there anything either of you have done up to this point that you would apologize for and say, ‘I’m sorry, I wish I hadn’t done that?’” Dr. Schwartz asks them.

Taylor brings up the Instagram video, but insists she hasn’t done anything wrong.

“There was a video that I posted on social media which seems to hurt him,” she says reluctantly. “But the thing is, it was not directed to him. And the thing is, him, his friends, nobody openly followed me on social media. So, no, Brandon, I didn’t expect for you to see the video. But I post what I want.”

“Can I stop you there for a minute?” Dr. Schwartz wonders. But Brandon, who appears to be completely detached from his wife, just laughs sarcastically, “You should just let her keep going.”