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When Meghan Markle was a full-time royal from 2018 to 2020, she received a lot of negative press in the United Kingdom. After she stepped down as a senior royal and moved back to the United States, Meghan’s popularity in the U.K. plummeted.

According to a royal author, Meghan might not be too bothered by this. The expert believes Meghan “no longer cares” about what the British public thinks of her.

Meghan Markle looking on and smiling
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

According to research firm YouGov, Meghan is one of the least popular royals in the U.K. Out of the 15 royals on its list, Meghan ranks at number 14—just above the disgraced Prince Andrew. Meghan has an approval rating of just 26 percent.

However, Meghan’s popularity does vary based on the demographics surveyed. Among Millennials, the Duchess of Sussex is the 6th most popular royal and has an approval rating of 40 percent. She is significantly less popular with Generation X and Baby Boomers.

Meghan’s husband, Prince Harry, fares a bit better. Overall, he is the 9th most popular royal and is approved of by 39 percent of people.

Meghan Markle reportedly ‘no longer cares’ about the British public’s opinion of her

According to royal author Tom Bower, Meghan’s lack of popularity in the U.K. might not bother her very much. 

“At the moment, Meghan’s ultimate destination is unclear, but she certainly has the backing to make a bid to star as an American politician,” Bower wrote for The Sun. “In parallel, Britain is a lost cause for the Sussexes. In truth, I suspect Meghan no longer cares whether she is welcome in London. She has no intention of returning.”

Bower also noted that “although her reputation in Britain has dropped, Meghan is still admired in America.” He added, “The Sussexes’ three-day visit to New York last September was a remarkable success. Climaxing as the lead speakers to a 60,000-strong audience in Central Park, the Sussexes’ encounters with the city’s power brokers were impressive. They clearly enjoyed solid support among Democrats, minorities and the young.”

Meghan and Harry have been establishing careers in the U.S. The couple has deals with Spotify and Netflix to produce content for the streaming platforms. Additionally, they have a publishing deal with Penguin Random House. Harry is also a chief impact officer for the mental health startup BetterUp.

Prince Harry says the U.K. is not safe enough for his family to return


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Lack of Social Media Presence Could Be Making Them Less Popular, Royal Expert Says

Harry returned to the U.K. twice in 2021. However, Meghan has not stepped foot in the U.K. at all since March 2020.

In January 2022, Harry revealed via a spokesperson that he had filed to seek judicial review for his right to pay for police protection for his family. Currently, he and Meghan pay for protection from private security firms, and Harry claimed this is not adequate for their trips to the U.K.

“The UK will always be Prince Harry’s home and a country he wants his wife and children to be safe in,” the spokesperson’s statement said. “With the lack of police protection, comes too great a personal risk. Prince Harry hopes that his petition—after close to two years of pleas for security in the UK—will resolve this situation.”