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Allegations that Meghan Markle mistreated members of her staff when she was a working royal have been swirling for years. Following a leaked email from one aide claiming they were “bullied” by Prince Harry’s wife and quit for that reason, the Palace launched an investigation.

More accusations that the Sussexes’ aides were bullied made headlines when Valentine Low published his book Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown. The veteran reporter wrote that those who were able to stick it out on Harry and Meghan’s staff called themselves the “Sussex Survivors Club.” 

There were also reports that Prince William stepped in on more than one occasion when the duke and duchess’s employees were on the verge of quitting. Now, a royal author is revealing how Meghan reportedly responded to her brother-in-law’s concerns.

Prince William and Meghan Markle attend events to mark the centenary of the RAF
Prince William and Meghan Markle attend events to mark the centenary of the RAF | Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Meghan’s 7-word reply after Prince William expressed his concerns

After the release of Low’s book, it was reported that Prince William had been the person who listened to some of the staffers’ concerns and even sought out one aide who was allegedly reduced to tears while working under Meghan.

During an appearance on GB News, commentator Lady Colin Campbell explained: “My understanding is [the Prince of Wales] has been the one who was backing up the disadvantaged, bullied staff from the word go. And he is the one who has stood up for them.”

The Mirror noted that royal expert Robert Lacey, who penned Battle of the Brothers, wrote that when the duchess learned William was concerned after staffers told him she was “governing by fear,” the former Suits star replied: “It’s not my job to coddle people.”

Senior aide said they couldn’t keep people on Meghan’s staff so there was high turnover

Meghan Markle holding flowers and greeting well-wishers on the Long Walk at Windsor Castle
Meghan Markle holding flowers from well-wishers on the Long Walk at Windsor Castle | KIRSTY O’CONNOR/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Several of Meghan’s ex-staffers have since spoken anonymously about their alleged problems working for her. But recently a top senior aide, who was on the late Queen Elizabeth II‘s for nearly two decades, shared that there was high turnover when it came to the Sussexes’s staff.

Samantha Cohen became Meghan’s private secretary at one point and told The Herald Sun that she was one of the 10 staffers interviewed for the Palace’s investigation into the “bullying allegations.” She also revealed that there was high turnover as people did not want to work for the Sussexes.

“I was only supposed to stay for six months but stayed for 18,” Cohen said, adding, “We couldn’t find a replacement for me and when we did, we took them on tour to Africa with Harry and Meghan to show them the ropes. But they left (quit) as well while in Africa.”

A spokesperson for Meghan has repeatedly denied the allegations, saying, “Let’s just call this what it is—a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. We are disappointed to see this defamatory portrayal of the Duchess of Sussex.”