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Ever since Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry made the unprecedented and shocking announcement that they were stepping down from royal duties, they’ve been a dividing force. Public opinion on the issue tends to fall into one of two camps, with one side rooting for the pair to find their happily ever after away from the cruel headlines of the British media and another crossing their fingers for a stumble that will put the pair in their place. Fans and critics on both sides of the equation can now use some expert analysis of the couple’s body language to help support their viewpoint. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are building a new life 

Initially, Meghan and Prince Harry relocated to Canada when they moved out of their royal housing. That didn’t last for long, however.

The pair appear to be settling down in Malibu, and the Californian home makes sense for this pair of well-connected celebrities. The luxurious location puts Meghan and Prince Harry close to the action without being right in the heart of busier, more prying Los Angeles. 

Since they have officially left their roles for the royal family, the two are figuring out their new life together. While we know that part of that life is staying out of the spotlight and protecting their privacy as they raise their son, Archie, we also know that they’ll be looking for ways to stay relevant and connected to the work that matters to them. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend a reception for young people at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on February 13, 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend a reception for young people at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on February 13, 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland | Andrew Milligan – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been helping in the crisis

Both Meghan and Prince Harry are used to living a very public life and have been praised for their humanitarian efforts. It makes sense, then, that this couple would find their footing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pair was spotted delivering meals to LA residents in need. They’ve been working alongside Project Angel Food to help make sure that LA’s most vulnerable residents are able to stay safe and get meals. 

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have certainly been busy. Between settling down in a new home, volunteering to help during the crisis, and finding their place in activist organizations like WellChild, it’s clear that the pair has no intention of stepping away from their duties to society even if they have stepped down from their official duties to the throne. 

Body language experts weigh in on new photographs

Of course, being out and about on the streets of LA means that there are new photographs surfacing of the pair. This has given body language experts fresh material to draw conclusions about how things are going for the couple. 

Experts overwhelmingly see the pair as happy and in love. Expert Judi James notes that “[t]here’s an air of the rom-com” in the way that the two carry themselves. They seem light, happy, and free. 

Another conclusion that many experts have come to is that Meghan is the one calling the shots. “She’s the one in the lead as they pick out the homes to visit, clutching the address and often walking ahead,” one expert notes while analyzing photos of their house hunting excursions.

Prince Harry, in the meantime, is a little harder to read: “His splayed chest and the way his arms are held away from his sides as he walks does suggest a level of confidence and enthusiasm, but overall he looks like a man being tentatively shown the ropes by his wife.” 

Those who are looking for a villain to blame for the couple’s departure will surely use this new analysis as evidence that Meghan is “controlling” Prince Harry and forcing him away from his duties. However, those who are rooting for the pair will be quick to point out that both seem happy, loving, and confident. Meghan may be leading the way, but she’s doing so with a true and dedicated partner by her side.