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Power Book III: Raising Kanan is well underway. The Starz drama centers on the teen years of 16-year-old Kanan Stark (Mekai Curtis), growing up in the ’90s in Queens, New York. So far, fans are learning why and how Kanan became the monstrous man we met in Power. Though he’s mostly a normal teen, his mother, Raquel “Raq” Thomas’ (Patina Miller), runs a lucrative drug business with her brothers, Marvin (London Brown) and Lou Lou (Malcolm Mays). Now, Raq is finding herself being pulled toward a businessman named Cartier ‘Duns’ Fareed (Omar J. Dorsey).

Unfortunately, we think Cartier could be Raq’s downfall.

Omar J. Dorsey as Cartier Cartier “Duns” Fareed smiling while wearing a red blazer and gold chainin 'Power Book III: Raising Kanan'
Omar J. Dorsey as Cartier Cartier “Duns” Fareed in ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’ | Starz

Cartier ‘Duns’ Fareed is a newcomer to ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’

Now that Raq is expanding her business, the world around her is getting larger. She’s just been introduced to Cartier ‘Duns’ Fareed, who dresses well and talks a slick game.

Starz describes the character as “a charismatic businessman who wants to expand his business into DC and Baltimore.” However, there appears to be something sinister about Cartier looming in the background. Hopefully, Raq keeps her eyes and ears open when it comes to dealing with him.

Cartier could be Raq’s downfall

Though Cartier lives his life boldly and has the finer things in life, which Raq respects, we suspect he has an ulterior motive. We also don’t like how involved he’s become with Lou Lou and Crown Camino’s (Quincy Brown) new artist, Zisa (Paulina Singer), especially since she claims he’s not actually he uncle.

“At first, it seems like he’s a homie, but I think there’s going to be conflict later because he’s so slick, and Lou Lou isn’t with the slick s***, and Crown Camacho [played by Quincy Brown] is still in the equation, so it gets real,” Mays told The Koalition. “He is prepared for conflict. What he’s not prepared for is the manipulation behind the scenes, mechanizing, and people plotting and s***. The Game of Thrones s***, he’s not with all that.”

As we know, Raq’s main problem right now, besides Detective Howard (Omar Epps), is that she has too much money with nowhere to really wash it. Cartier puts his money into art, which means he’s also exposing himself and his business in some ways.


‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’: Mekai Curtis Studied 50 Cent to Transform Into Kanan Stark

‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’ Season 2 will see characters dealing with the consequences of their past actions

With Symphony exiting her life, Raq is at least intrigued by Cartier and what he has to offer. However, he could be the consequence of everything she did in season 1 and previously.

“In this season, you get to see everybody wrestle with the decisions they’ve made and the consequences of what they did in the first season and how that relays and correlates to the person that each individual has become now,” Curtis told Essence.

Only time will tell who Cartier really is and what he really does. However, we feel that his connection to the Thomas family may end up being the downfall.