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Power Book III: Raising Kanan showcases the teen years of Kanan Stark (Mekai Curtis). Raised by his drug queenpin mother Raquel “Raq” Thomas (Patina Miller), who runs a drug business with her brothers Marvin (London Brown) and Lou Lou (Malcolm Mays), Kanan is slowly transforming into the man fans met in Power.

The series also follows the transformation of other members of Kanan’s family. Marvin, Raq’s eldest brother, is trying to walk down a new path. However, his actions will certainly have shocking consequences for the season 2 finale.

London Brown as Marvin Thomas walking angrily down the street in 'Power Book III: Raising Kanan'
London Brown as Marvin Thomas in ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’ | Starz

Marvin is trying to turn over a new leaf in ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’

Following his attack on his daughter Jukebox (Hailey Kilgore) at the end of Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 1, Marvin has been trying to turn over a new leaf. He even attended anger management with a woman named Renée Timmons (Krystal Joy Brown). “She is very critical in helping Marvin to see himself and helping Marvin see those issues that have been buried,” Brown told Landon Buford. “That Marvin has been suppressed over the years and basically throughout his life. She is one of a couple of people who can get through to Marvin, she can get through, and even then, there’s some resistance.”

Unfortunately, Marvin’s profession cost Renée her life. As penance, Marvin is trying to do things differently. When he was ordered to kill Sam, a crackhead who knows too much, he instead tried to put him on a bus out of town. However, Sam did not do as he was told. Now, Marvin’s attempt at change will undoubtedly backfire.

Marvin’s actions will have shocking consequences in the season finale

The Raising Kanan Season 2 finale is upon us. As we know, Sam immediately got off the Atlanta-bound bus Marvin put him on. This means that Detective Burke (Shanley Caswell) will likely learn that Kanan shot Detective Howard (Omar Epps) and who knows what else.

With Marvin still grieving Renée’s death and with the family at war with the Newark mob, things are bound to get chaotic. With so much fire reigning down on them, it’s likely that someone from the Thomas family won’t emerge unscathed.

The season finale is titled “If Y’don’t Know, Now Y’know.” The official Starz description reads, “Decidedly his own man, Kanan strays further from his mother and sets up shop on his own on the corners of South Jamaica. Worried about retaliation, Raq questions Unique. Lou’s rift with Raq grows when he makes a discovery.”


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Ultimately, Marvin may never change in ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’

Since letting Sam go will undoubtedly backfire on Marvin in a major way, we don’t see the lessons he learned from Renée and therapy completely transforming him. While he may be able to reshape some form of a relationship with Jukebox, his profession and personality won’t enable a complete transformation in the end.

After all, the character is based on Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s real-life uncle. “My Uncle Horace is a lot like Marvin,” 50 Cent told TV Line. “He’s the kind of person who can handle altercations and do aggressive things, but he gets in his own way. My Uncle Horace made a lot of crazy decisions and moves in business that still don’t make sense when I hear the stories. He’s been like that my entire life.”

Still, we hope Sam doesn’t get the Thomas family into trouble.