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The U.S. presidents spent their years working to change politics throughout the country before, during, and after their time in office. But some presidents far outlived others. Here are all of the presidents who lived the longest, not including those who are still alive today.

16. James Monroe

James Monroe portrait
James Monroe | The White House Historical Association

Age at death: 73

James Monroe was the fifth U.S. president. Born in 1758, he was the founder of the Monroe Doctrine, which warned European countries not to further colonize the Western Hemisphere. He also fought in the Revolutionary War and served as president from 1817 until 1825. He was unanimously elected for a second term because he did not have an opponent. Monroe died on July 4, 1831 (a nod to his patriotism, perhaps) from Tuberculosis. He was 73 years old.

Next: This president wasn’t supposed to be president.Â