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News of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s departure from royal life immediately sent royal watchers into a tizzy. In March, the couple officially backed away and settled into a home in Vancouver Island, Canada temporarily before packing up and moving to California.

On the one hand, the relocation wasn’t that surprising given that Meghan is a Los Angeles native. On the other, Harry’s made it clear that he craves more privacy and less intrusion from the press. What do local paparazzi think about their presence in this celebrity enclave? It will be a frenzy.

Prince Harry and Megan Markle at Nottingham Academy | Andy Stenning – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Harry and Meghan are on lockdown

Like most of the country, the couple and their baby, Archie, are in quarantine due to COVID-19. Isolated in an L.A.-area (supposedly Malibu) mansion in a gated community, it’s expected they’ll put down roots in the region. According to reports, they want to live in a secluded, secured home.

With the lockdown restrictions in place, it’s been hard for paparazzi to trail Meghan and Harry, but that doesn’t mean the photogs aren’t primed to pounce on them once they venture out.

Photographer says photos could fetch 6 figures

Now that Harry and Meghan are in a Hollywood hub, it will be tricky for them to avoid the spotlight. Per The Times UK, California paparazzo Mark Karloff said groups of photographers are already camping out trying to catch a glimpse of the couple.

He also stated that once the quarantine rules are relaxed and the public is more aware of Harry and Meghan, “It’s going to be a little bit of a frenzy to get to them.”

Karloff added, “They are going to be hounded every single day, at least for the first few months,” he said. “They’re not going to be able to go out without being photographed.”

He provided a ballpark estimate of how much those first exclusive photos could sell for, saying the amount may go as high as $100,000. Since they are considered A-listers, catching images of them in their new digs will likely be a huge payday for paparazzi.

Karloff continued, “Leo DiCaprio, global interest, Beyoncé, global interest. That’s what Meghan wants. I hope she’s ready for it.”

The media attention on Harry and Meghan won’t be like Canada

While fans and paparazzi sought out the royals when they were still living in Canada, the pair took legal precautions and local papers didn’t print salacious stories about them. Additionally, there are Canadian laws in place that favor one’s consent when it comes having their pictures printed in a publication.

Per the Vancouver Island Free Daily, judges tend to consider whether someone grants permission to have a photo shared publicly. However, when out in a public space, things can get murky.

Still, with the Sussexes living in a celebrity hotspot, to some it seems counterintuitive to move to an area saturated with paparazzi. Will Harry end up filing lawsuits here too?

Karloff has been in the business for more than 10 years and noted that people who work as photographers can get very hungry for certain celebrity shots.

Once social distancing and quarantine measures loosen up, he knows it will be a matter time before Harry and Meghan are a hot commodity.