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It wasn’t too long ago that Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex were getting slammed by fans for lecturing everyone about wasting fossil fuels while simultaneously traveling by private jet. Royal followers couldn’t help but feel that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were employing the classic, “Do as I say, not as I do,” approach and they were super salty about it.

But now that Harry and Meghan have announced their intention to step back as senior working royals, everything about their strategy has changed, including their approach to travel. Prince Harry recently attended a working summit in Scotland dealing with his sustainable travel initiative, Travalyst.

And yes, he took a commercial flight and a train to get there.

Prince Harry
Prince Harry | Andrew Milligan-WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince Harry is trying to make travel more sustainable

The Duke of Sussex explained that travel is a necessary and positive component of life. “[Travel] the heart of human experience, of cultural connections, and of new friendships,” he said in a speech. “It is a global powerhouse that employs hundreds of millions of people, keeping culture alive, protecting some of the world’s most precious spaces, and that introduces us to people, places, and wildlife that we’ve only ever seen on a screen.”

But even though he’s pro-travel, Harry cautioned against wasting resources to go on trips, plus warned that travelers must be careful not to accidentally exploit residents of those destinations. That could include taking trips that only profit the tour operators instead of being filtered back into the local community.

Harry is ‘committed and enthusiastic’ about this new cause

After months of drama and turmoil, it’s refreshing to see Prince Harry looking so energetic while throwing himself behind a cause he clearly cares about. As Harper’s Bazaar pointed out, Travalyst represents the future of Harry and Meghan’s foundations with its bold new approach.

They reported that a source described the change, saying “Rather than replicate classic charitable foundations, the couple plan to look at the root cause of problems and to change the game in that way.” We can assume they will take a similar approach to any future charitable pursuits the couple creates in their new life.

The source also said Prince Harry is “extremely committed and enthusiastic” about the success of Travalyst and sustainable travel in general.

The future for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is still uncertain

No one knows exactly what the next stage of life will look like for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, including Meghan and Harry themselves. But we can assume that they’ll be sticking by their principles and continuing to promote causes they care about, including environmental awareness and sustainable travel solutions.

The major difference now is that the couple will be able to speak freely without fear of blowback from the royal family. So we can all expect bolder, more outspoken statements from the pair and even more focused initiatives similar to Travalyst.

Will they continue to travel by private jet, or be reformed and keep flying commercial and taking trains? We’ll be watching to see how this all plays out.