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After she married Prince Charles, Princess Diana revealed that there were quite a few things about royal life that really surprised her. Many of those things had to do with the Prince of Wales including the way he traveled, which is a topic that’s still discussed these days.

Here’s more on the odd items Charles brings along on trips and why his suitcases have to be color-coded.

Princess Diana, who couldn’t believe how many suitcases Prince Charles brought on trips, glaring at him during a visit to Canada
Princess Diana glaring at Prince Charles during a trip to Canada | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Even Princess Diana couldn’t believe how much luggage Prince Charles bought on trips

The Princess of Wales spoke about her astonishment at just how much luggage Charles took on trips in her secretly recorded audio tapes to Andrew Morton for the biography DianaHer True Story in Her Own Words.

Because the prince brings so many bags and suitcases with him when he travels, his handlers keep track of what goes where and when by using a color code.

According to Hello! a blue-colored label on a suitcase will indicate that it’s wanted on the aircraft, green means it’s destined for a hotel, and a yellow label means it is going to a private residence in the country he’s visiting.

Luggage for Prince Charles being unloaded during a royal tour in Australia
Luggage for Prince Charles being unloaded during a royal tour in Australia | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

The unusual items Charles takes with him when he travels

Journalist Tina Brown talked to 120 people for her book The Palace Papers: Inside the House of Windsor and noted the rather unusual items the prince won’t leave home without.

According to Brown, some of the things the royal takes along that most people would never think of bringing with them on trips include: his orthopedic bed, two painted landscapes of the Scottish highlands, as well as his own lavatory seat, and Kleenex Velvet lavatory paper.

“When he traveled to stay at friends’ country houses, a truck arrived the day before, bringing his bed, furniture, and even pictures, which his pampering aide Michael Fawcett ensured would be hung in his allotted bedroom in place of the possessions of his host,” Brown wrote per Page Six.

Fawcett is the same aide who for years had the job of squeezing out one inch of toothpaste onto Charles’ toothbrush for him.

The 1 thing Prince Charles denies bringing along when he goes away

Photo of Prince Charles taken during his visit to Edinburgh's Royal College of Surgeons
Photo of Prince Charles taken during visit to Edinburgh’s Royal College of Surgeons | Jane Barlow-WPA Pool/Getty Images

You Won’t Believe What Prince Charles Made Princess Diana Call Him When They Got Engaged

Royal author Tom Bower wrote about a number of ridiculous travel demands Charles reportedly has in the 2018 biography titled Rebel Prince, The Power, Passion and Defiance Of Prince Charles. In it, Bower wrote that the future king actually brings his own toilet seat and velvet paper when he takes trips abroad.

However, as the Independent noted, when Charles was asked about that during a royal visit to Australia he denied it telling a reporter: “My own what?! Oh, don’t believe all that crap. The very idea!”

Camilla then chimed in as well adding: “Don’t you believe it!”