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Princess Diana Would Have Sided With Prince William During 1 Important Argument He Allegedly Had With Prince Harry, According to a Friend

Prince William and Prince Harry allegedly have tension between them. A friend of Princess Diana's believes the late royal would have sided with William on one issue the brother allegedly fought about.

Princess Diana continues to live in the public’s memory long after her death in 1997. Many royal followers even wonder from time to time what Diana would do and say if she were able to see her sons’ lives.

These days, Prince William and Prince Harry allegedly have tension between them. Sources even point to a conversation the two brothers had about Harry’s relationship with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as a big argument that erupted. While it’s not clear how Diana would have reacted, her friend believes she would have sided with William.

Prince Harry’s relationship with Meghan Markle caused problems between him and Prince William

In 2016, Harry started dating Meghan, and William reportedly worried about the pace of it all. When he sat Harry down to discuss this issue, sources say Harry became angry at William.

“It was all so quick that William and Kate didn’t have a moment to get to know Meghan because Harry hardly knew Meghan,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward said, according to Us Weekly. “And, of course, quite naturally William and Kate would have thought, ‘Oh, she’s been married before, she’s older than Harry, I hope she’s going to make him happy.’ Anyone would think that.”

Meanwhile, author Katie Nicholl explained, “Harry supported William from the outset of his relationship with Kate and he felt very let down that he wasn’t getting his brother’s full 100 percent support with the relationship with Meghan.”

Some royal followers have also pointed out that, given William and Harry’s different roles in the royal family, there was already tension between the two of them before Meghan came into the picture.

A friend says Princess Diana would have sided with Prince William

Princess Diana Prince Harry Prince William
Princess Diana, Prince Harry, and Prince William | Georges De Keerle/Getty Images and Danny Martindale/WireImage

According to a friend, Diana would have sided with William in warning Harry to take things slow with Meghan, especially since being a royal involves more responsibilities and expectations than many people realize.

“Diana knew what she was coming into,” Diana’s friend Tina Brown said, according to Express. “A lot of people tried to warn Harry but he didn’t want to hear.”

Diana herself also struggled with fitting into the royal family. According to press interviews she gave in the 1990s, she was not prepared adequately for her role as the wife to a royal heir and did not agree with several royal traditions.

Prince Harry believes Princess Diana would have been close with Meghan Markle


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Even if Diana would have liked for Harry and Meghan to take things slow, Harry believes his mother would have gotten along with Meghan nonetheless.

In his engagement interview, Harry said he thinks Diana and Meghan would have been “thick as thieves.” This could be because Meghan has a lot in common with Diana. For example, Diana was known for her work as an advocate for several humanitarian causes. Before joining the royal family, Meghan had a lot of experience in this field as well. Additionally, both women are outspoken and do not conform easily to the royal family’s strict protocol.