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The Snowdens, Dimitri and Ashley, were one of the most talked-about couples on the second season of TLC’s Seeking Sister Wife.

From Dimitri’s crossing of the Snowdens’ sexual boundaries with potential sister wife Joselyn in the first season to his courtship with and marriage to Vanessa Cobbs in the second, viewers were riveted by the unconventional polygamist family.

Since the Snowdens’ breakup with Cobbs, they’ve had a lot of irons in the fire. Read on to learn the latest updates on the Snowden family and to find out whether or not they’re still interested in finding a sister wife.

Jordyn Woods
Dimtri Snowden commented on Jordyn Woods’ photo in July | Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

The Snowdens’ former sister wife Vanessa Cobbs has moved on

While many of the other families from Seeking Sister Wife struggled to find a suitable sister wife, the Snowdens found Vanessa Cobbs in Season 2. Cobbs is an aspiring actress and social media influencer who adopted many of the Snowdens’ unconventional ways, including an alkaline diet.

Seeking Sister Wife viewers watched Cobbs, Dimitri, and Ashley plan their wedding ceremony together for friends and family. But after the Tell-All wrapped, fans were shocked to learn that Cobbs had separated from the family. She wrote at the time that she felt she’d given up too much of herself over the course of her relationship with the Snowdens.

Cobbs soon deleted all traces of her ex-husband and former sister wife from her Instagram. The Snowdens wrote that they were grieving the breakup but would remain supportive of Cobbs. They added in an Instagram post, “We wish Vanessa nothing but peace and happiness along her personal journey, and ask that you do the same, for her, and for us.”

Dimitri also recently pushed back against accusations that he had pushed his new wife to change, asserting that Cobbs “made a choice” in being with them.

Cobbs sought healing with her twin sister, Adrienne Cobbs, during a trip to Australia and Bali shortly thereafter. Since then, she’s continued with her creative projects, including a vlogcast with her sister called The Impossible Twins, and has even opened up about starting a Tinder account to begin dating again.

Ashley Snowden seemed to support her former sister wife, writing “Great job ladies!” underneath an Instagram post about the podcast.

Dimitri and Ashley started a podcast this summer

Cobbs wasn’t the only Seeking Sister Wife cast member to start a podcast recently. Dimitri and Ashley Snowden launched their own podcast, Shift Gets Real, this summer. Episodes from June to August covered issues like sex, relationships, parenting, race, money, and, of course, polygamy.

The couple confirmed on their episode on all things polygamy that they were still committed to the relationship practice, despite many “misconceptions” about it. Ashley made it clear that she’s always been interested in and prepared for polygamy and that it’s not simply a way for her husband to “cheat,” as some viewers have suggested.

The couple has had two sister wives thus far, and although neither one has worked out for the long run, they are still searching for their forever partner. Some fans have speculated that the couple might appear on the next season of TLC’s Seeking Sister Wife, since they did confirm they’re still looking.

Dimitri recently flirted with Jordyn Woods

Dimitri Snowden recently made headlines again for a comment he made on a picture of Kylie Jenner’s ex-friend. Jordyn Woods seems to have bounced back from the Tristan Thompson scandal, and Snowden appeared to show his appreciation for the 21-year-old on Instagram in July.

Snowden deleted the simple three-heart emoji comment quickly, but that added even more fuel to the rumor fire. Some fans speculated that Snowden and Woods might know each other in real life, given his hasty deletion. Still, that was an unsubstantiated rumor, so there’s no solid reason to believe that Snowden and Woods ever met.