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In the premiere episode of Seeking Sister Wife, the Merrifield family begins dating a new woman, Lea Newton. Is lea still a potential third wife for Garrick? Here’s everything we know about Lea and Garrick’s relationship.

Dannielle Merrifield sitting beside Garrick Marrifield and Lea while video chatting with Roberta on 'Seeking Sister Wife' Season 4.
Dannielle Merrifield, Garrick Merrifield, Lea, ‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Season 4 TLC

Dannielle pushes Garrick to start seeking a 3rd wife

During the June 6 episode of Seeking Sister Wife, Dannielle shocked audiences when she revealed that it was her idea to find a third wife for her husband, Garrick. She thinks it’s time to start dating again and continue searching for a potential third wife.

Garrick said, “Dannielle approached me and said, ‘Hey, I think maybe God wants us to have another wife.’ I was shocked.” Check out the Seeking Sister Wife clip below (via Instagram):

However, Garrick’s potential second wife, Roberta, is still not able to come to the United States yet. Roberta’s fiancé or K-1 visa was approved, but she has yet to go to Colorado due to her mother’s health issues. Dannielle proposed that they start looking for a third wife to add to the mix while waiting for Roberta to get there.

Garrick and Dannielle meet their potential wife, Lea

During Garrick and Dannielle’s anniversary, they decide to take a trip to California to celebrate their love and to meet a woman they’ve been courting. Garrick met 30-year-old Lea on social media, and they connected instantly. The three of them connected and began talking.

During the episode, Dannielle and Garrick pick Lea up from the airport to spend some time together in person. Garrick tells the cameras, “My first impression of seeing Lea is that she’s very pretty.”

Lea says in her interview, “When they picked me up from the airport, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s so handsome.” Lea admits that she was extremely nervous, but she’s excited to get to know the Merrifield family.

This isn’t the first time Lea has attempted to be in a plural relationship with a man. She explained, “For me, polygamy is just a lifestyle choice. I’m not going it for any specific religious reasons. The dynamic of having multiple adults in the household is just the way I grew up. I’m just so used to it. I don’t think that I would be able to be in a singular relationship.”

Are Garrick and Lea still together?

While there seemed to be chemistry between Garrick and Lea, is it enough for them to get married? Some clues suggest that Lea is still with Garrick. On Instagram, Lea and Garrick, and Dannielle all follow each other.


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However, things could be over between Roberta and the Merrifield family. According to Instagram, Roberta doesn’t follow Garrick, Dannielle, or Lea, suggesting she dumped her plural relationship with the Merrifield’s entirely.

Seeking Sister Wife fans will have to tune in to the rest of season 4 to find out just how far Lea gets in the process of becoming a wife to Garrick. Perhaps Lea will become Garrick’s second wife instead of his third.

Seeking Sister Wife airs Mondays at 10 pm EST on TLC and discovery+.