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Christine Brown’s decision to leave her marriage dominated the discussion during the recent three-part tell-all episode of Sister WivesThroughout the three-hour event, fans learned a lot about the plural family and the issues they have faced in recent years. The Brown family didn’t give everything away, though. Viewers walked away from the event with three major questions they wished had been answered. 

‘Sister Wives’ viewers wanted Kody to talk a bit about Ysabel Brown’s surgery

Season 15 and early season 16 highlighted friction between Kody Brown and his third wife, Christine Brown, over Ysabel Brown’s scoliosis surgery. Ysabel needed surgery to correct worsening scoliosis. While Christine was on board with the surgery, Kody wanted to hold off or send Ysabel across the country alone to have the painful spinal procedure. He even accused Christine of pushing for the surgery because she wanted a “vacation.”

Even after the surgery, bad feelings and pettiness seemed to exist within the family. For example, Robyn Brown appeared to take a swipe at Ysabel after the surgical procedure. Since it was such a sore subject, fans hoped to hear more about the drama, and Kody’s line of thinking. Kody and Christine opted not to speak about it. 

Fans were hoping to find out what Robyn Brown’s nanny does

Sister Wives fans have enjoyed seeing Christine come into her own throughout season 16. She was certainly sassier than ever before. In one episode, the mother of six questioned, “what does the nanny do,” when she learned a nanny was allowed in Robyn’s home, but the rest of the family was not. Fans wanted to know, too. 

Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Kody Brown, Christine Brown and Robyn Brown of 'Sister Wives' appear at the 2010 TCA Press Tour
The Brown family | Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Most viewers assumed the tell-all episode would address the nanny issue, especially because Kody, Robyn, and Christine mentioned the childcare worker multiple times throughout the season. The nanny, a huge source of conflict, was barely mentioned during the three-part tell-all episode. Most importantly, fans still have no idea what the nanny does. Presumably, Christine never found out, either. 

In more recent seasons of Sister Wives, the Brown kids have appeared less frequently. That is likely because most of the family’s 18 children are adults now. Still, both Gabriel Brown and Garrison Brown were featured this season. Several of Robyn Brown’s children also made appearances, as have a few of Christine’s daughters. 


‘Sister Wives’ Star, Kody Brown, Says Christine Brown Told Him She Hated Plural Marriage

Because the demise of Christine and Kody’s marriage affects everyone, fans would have liked to see the Sister Wives tell-all episode highlight the kids’ feelings. It never happened, and the decision seems a bit stranger. After all, there is a precedent. Several of the Brown kids have appeared in past tell-all episodes.