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‘Sister Wives’: Meri Brown Reveals What TLC ‘Left Out’ Of Her Heart-to-Heart With Robyn Brown

After Meri and Robyn Brown had a fight on a recent episode of TLC's 'Sister Wives,' they sat down to hash things out at Meri's home. But Meri, Kody Brown's first wife, took to Twitter after the Mar. 8 episode aired to push back against TLC's editing of the conversation.

Meri Brown has been estranged from Kody Brown and her sister wives for some time now. But Kody’s first wife has recently been reaching out to his other three wives (Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown) in an attempt to regain the closeness they once shared.

On the Mar. 8 episode of TLC’s Sister Wives, Kody’s first and fourth wives, Meri and Robyn, met up at Meri’s house to hash out a disagreement and hopefully make amends.

While Robyn and Meri had a tiff over property division on Coyote Pass, the Brown family’s Arizona real estate, they decided to work things through privately later. But Meri took to Twitter during the episode to claim that TLC producers had left out one key statement during the women’s heart-to-heart.

Christine, Janelle, Kody, Robyn, and Meri Brown
Christine, Janelle, Kody, Robyn, and Meri Brown | Marcel Thomas/FilmMagic

Robyn and Meri met to patch things up after their argument

During an outing to Coyote Pass, Meri and Robyn got into it over what Kody had allegedly told each of them in private about where they would be living on the property. Both claimed to have been told they got “last pick” of all four wives when it came to their portion of the land. The sister wives bickered before storming off without resolving the issue.

On the latest Sister Wives episode, Robyn described the incident as a “miscommunication” and said Meri wanted to “communicate some more about it” one-on-one, with fewer distractions.

“Kody told Robyn and I that we were both getting the same property,” Meri explained, adding that she and Robyn were both actively trying to “heal” their relationship from its former strain and tension. “It became this weird conflict between Robyn and I.”

The two women were able to hash out their differences respectfully, figuring out that Kody had (whether deliberately or by accident) told them the same story. Feeling like they were coming in “last” had left both Meri and Robyn feeling somewhat voiceless in the family.

“So he had told both of us that the other person had chosen, but actually neither one of us had really chosen,” Meri explained.

“I need you to know, Robyn, that I had no issue with you at all,” Meri emphasized.

“I had no issue with you,” Robyn agreed. “I drove away going, this isn’t about that piece of property at all.”

Meri and Robyn each took to Twitter to give their perspective on the scene

Robyn live-tweeted the Sister Wives episode and sent out a special Twitter shout-out to Meri for being willing to sit down with her to communicate openly.

“I am so grateful that Meri and I can sit down and talk out our ‘stuff,’” the 41-year-old wrote about her sister wife. “It was never about a stupid piece of property. It was just about feeling like I had a voice. I know that is what it was about for Meri too. Love you M!”

Meri, meanwhile, had a bit of a different take. She mentioned that TLC’s edit of her statements wasn’t entirely complete, and that she had acknowledged the stress in Robyn’s life that had contributed to the sister wives’ argument that day.

Kody’s first wife wrote on Twitter, “What I actually said to @LuvgvsUwngs but what wasn’t included in the edit was, when she walked off the property my first thought was, that’s out of character for Robyn, something deeper is going on with her, that reaction wasn’t about a piece of property!”

Fans had mixed reactions to Meri’s Twitter post

Sister Wives fans flooded Meri’s comments with reactions to her claims about TLC’s editing and her scene with Robyn as a whole.

Some fans were proud of the two sister wives for working out their differences, especially under such intense family pressure. “The two of you talking to each other was my favorite scene this season so far,” one viewer wrote on Twitter. Another agreed, writing, “I’m so glad that you have a good relationship with Robyn. I wish Kody would treat you better.”

Several commenters argued that Kody was the real “problem” in the Brown family’s ongoing struggles, not the sister wives themselves. “I hope Robyn’s ok but I’m more concerned about you after Kody’s  outbursts! Do you really need this? The guys a jerk!” one critic wrote to Meri.

Other Sister Wives fans thought Meri had been given a “bad edit” by TLC producers in order to create drama or paint her as the villain. “I’d be quite upset about how TLC edits you,” one viewer worried. “It’s almost unfair how they zone in on one (sometimes two) and just completely attempt to destroy your character for views.”

Another wrote, “I agree totally! I also don’t like the way the show is editing you. I can’t wait to have the old happy Meri back.”