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‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Brown Wasn’t Interested in Joining the Brown Family Initially

Robyn Brown and Kody Brown have been spiritually married for a decade and legally married for more than five years. Their marriage appears to be the strongest of Kody's four marriages. Still, their relationship wasn't always smooth sailing. Both Kody and Robyn had misgivings about the romance before it even got started.

Sister Wives fans are largely in agreement that Kody Brown and his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, have the strongest romantic relationship. The couple, who married in 2010, became legal husband and wife in 2014. Their marriage almost didn’t happen, though. Kody initially had some reservations about Robyn. As it turns out, Robyn wasn’t crazy about getting involved in a romantic relationship with Kody, either.

Robyn Brown admitted she wasn’t interested in Kody when she found out he had three wives

Robyn and Kody might appear to have a strong relationship now, but Robyn admitted she wasn’t interested in Kody at first. After meeting Kody and Meri, Robyn’s cousin played matchmaker. While Robyn was initially interested, Kody’s living situation turned her off. In the family’s book, Becoming Sister Wives, Robyn revealed that Kody’s three wives concerned her. 

Kody Brown, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown appear on 'Good Morning America' in 2011
Kody Brown with Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown | Ida Mae Astute/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

The mother of five explained that having multiple wives complicates individual relationships. While she was resigned to joining a plural family, she feared Kody’s large family size would pose too many complications. She wasn’t even willing to travel to see Kody initially. However, her cousin insisted she visit and even paid for her gas to sweeten the deal. Once she met with the entire Brown family, their dynamic piqued her interest. 

‘Sister Wives’ star, Kody Brown, was concerned about Robyn’s “baggage” before they began dating

Robyn wasn’t the only one who had misgivings. Kody once suggested that he wasn’t sure about starting a relationship with Robyn because of what he called an “ick factor.” He went on to explain that Robyn’s status as a divorced mother of three, complete with a minivan, didn’t sit right with him. Eventually, he got over it, and they began a romance. Family followers have criticized kody for the comment.

Family followers believe that Robyn might be Kody’s true love. They are convinced that she’s the only one of Kody’s wives that he was truly in love with when he said, “I do.” Robyn is the wife he has spent the most time with following the family’s move to Flagstaff, and she appears to be the only wife still smitten with Kody.

How common is having four wives?

The religious sect that the Brown family once belonged to is incredibly insular. It’s difficult to find a ton of data bout their plural marriages because they keep them secret. Still, it seems pretty rare for a man to take on four wives. Robyn, who grew up in the polygamist lifestyle, revealed that most men in their religious circle have two wives. It is less common for a man to have three wives, and it’s nearly unheard of for a church member to take on more than three wives.

Christine Brown, Janelle Brow, Kody Brown, Robyn Brown and Meri Brown pose for promotional photos for their reality TV show, 'Sister Wives'
The cast of ‘Sister Wives’ | TLC

‘Sister Wives’: The Worst Thing Kody Brown Has Said About Each of His 4 Wives

Polygamist sects generally operate under the radar in the United States because the practice is illegal. It isn’t particularly common globally, either. According to Pew Research, just 2% of households in the world are polygamous. In the United States, Polygamous families account for just .5% of households. The same is true in Canada, Brazil, and Germany. The practice is more common in Chad, Nigeria, and Mali. According to the research study, 34% of marriages in Mali consist of one husband and multiple wives. In countries where the practice is widely accepted, men generally take more than two wives.