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Adding lawyers within the MCU might sound like a process of mixing oil with water. At the same time, it may be necessary for Spider-Man 3 considering Peter Parker has now been outed as Spidey.

This occurred because Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) made it happen, but also because J. Jonah Jameson (J.K. Simmons) broadcasted doctored footage created by Beck.

Only in the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Far From Home does the audience see Jameson seemingly getting revenge on Spider-Man. It leaves the next film open to Parker trying to clear his name, including a lengthy trial for being accused of killing Beck and a drone attack in London.

To clear his name, only the best lawyer will likely help. Fans are hoping for Matt Murdock (Daredevil), if She-Hulk being a strong–and green–legal alternate.

Will Peter Parker sue J. Jonah Jameson?

Tom Holland on the red carpet
Tom Holland | Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for Disney

There seems to be clear indication Parker will know Jameson was behind the video leak. Since Parker is going to have to go into hiding due to being revealed as Spider-Man, going back into public will happen eventually. It may require Parker to file a lawsuit for libel against Jameson.

As fans on Reddit pointed out recently, Marvel comic books have already done a similar plot. It also involved Parker suing Jameson for libel, and it involved lengthy trial sequences done in a very entertaining way. Much of it even utilized the snarky humor the original Spider-Man comic books were known to have.

In the above case, Spider-Man sat on the witness stand (in costume) to take on Jameson for reporting false stories in The Daily Bugle. Of course, Jameson displayed his usual irascible persona and tried to defend himself. He accused the trial of being un-American.

Seeing this amazing comic book story might mean the movie dipping into the Marvel comics pool again. Will it be a similar plot in Spider-Man 3? If so, imagine the reaction of the court if Matt Murdock walks in as Parker’s defense lawyer.

If it is Matt Murdock, will Charlie Cox return in the role?

Netflix’s Daredevil series was much more popular than it might have initially seemed. When Netflix canceled it in 2018, it left a number of plot points hanging, including lead actor Charlie Cox wondering if he would ever do anything for Marvel again.

Many people thought Cox did a terrific job as Matt Murdock. Part of this included having him go through the perils of deciding whether to stay as a lawyer or be a superhero. Murdock would be the perfect lawyer for Parker because the former understands the conflict of having to balance being a professional by day and a vigilante superhero by night.

Rumors keep popping up (including from Kevin Smith) Murdock will end up being Parker’s lawyer to help clear his name. If so, that would be a major surprise, if a great chance for Cox to reprise his role. Doing so could even open the door to a Daredevil movie or streaming revival.

Much of this lines up with comic book history as well since Murdock and Parker have often crossed paths there. The biggest issue in using Matt Murdock is Netflix still having licensing rights to the character, as Screen Rant recently reported.

Will Peter Parker’s lawyer ultimately be She-Hulk?

Rather than Murdock, other rumors are saying She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters would be Parker’s lawyer, something that might seem a little odd. Outside of a She-Hulk series in development for Disney+, imagining the character as Parker’s lawyer would become a little surreal. Walters is like Smart Hulk in always staying green, albeit still retaining her legal intellect.

Whether this would work or not is dependent upon how Spider-Man 3 is directed. Both Murdock and She-Hulk, though, have some complications in their involvement, with latter having conflict introducing the character in an MCU movie rather than a Disney+ series.

In the end, maybe Parker will have to defend himself in a trial, something potentially far more dramatic when thought over carefully.