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It’s only been a few short weeks since the royal family welcomed a new addition, but it’s still not enough to satiate the public’s desire for more. Though Archie Harrison was just born in May, royal fans are anxiously awaiting another baby announcement. This time they think it will come from Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Jack Taylor/Getty Images

They have good reason to think that the Cambridges might want to expand their family. After all, Queen Elizabeth had four children herself. Plus there were those comments Kate Middleton made during a royal visit to Ireland—she said she was feeling “broody,” which is the British equivalent of wanting more kids. Based on this and several other clues, fans are anticipating a pregnancy announcement any day now.

But those spectators are probably going to be disappointed. Though Prince William and Kate Middleton are great at making beautiful children, there’s a good chance they plan to stop at three. Here’s why they’re probably not having a fourth child.

Kate Middleton has been doting on Prince Louis

Showing affection for a child comes naturally to most mothers. But royal fans notice that the Duchess of Cambridge has been acting especially affectionate toward her baby Prince Louis, which could indicate that she knows he’s her last baby.

No one knows for sure what Prince William and Kate Middleton are planning for their family size—perhaps they don’t even know themselves yet. But the Duchess of Cambridge’s over-the-top affection for her youngest son proves she wants to extend the baby years as long as possible.

A fourth pregnancy for Kate Middleton could have serious risks

It’s no secret that Kate Middleton has difficult pregnancies. All three times she was expecting, the Duchess suffered from a condition called Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

This “extreme morning sickness” can cause nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and malnutrition in pregnant women. In some cases, it even leads to hospitalization. During pregnancy, Kate Middleton had to cancel appearances and even missed taking Prince George to his first day of school because she was so ill while pregnant with Prince Louis.

During the same visit when Kate Middleton said she was feeling broody, she mentioned her husband would be “worried” about her having another baby. No doubt he’s just looking out for his wife’s health and well-being.

The Cambridges already have a larger-than-average family

According to a BBC report, women in England and Wales have an average number of 1.9 children or fewer. Family sizes have been declining for years for several reasons. First, people are waiting longer to get married and once they do wed, they’re focusing on careers before families.

Prince William and Kate Middleton certainly have the funds to support a fourth baby and they’ve got plenty of room in their sprawling Kensington Palace home. However, like the rest of the country, they got started a bit late and now that Kate Middleton is 37, she’d be considered a geriatric pregnancy patient.

Pregnancy risks increase with age

She’s not old by any stretch. But an over-35 pregnancy is more likely to result in multiple births or chromosomal abnormalities. Sadly, the risk for miscarriage also increases with age. Recovery from the birth experience – even if it’s not a C-section – may take longer, too.

Ultimately, the decision to have a fourth royal baby rests with the couple. But don’t be too shocked if they decide that three is just the right number of children.