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On March 9, the first part of the season finale of The Bachelor aired. While emotions were high during the episode, some fans of The Bachelor noticed writing on Madison Prewett’s hand. It didn’t take long for fans to figure out what Prewett wrote.

[Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor.]

Madison Prewett Peter Weber
Madison Prewett and Peter Weber | John Fleenor via Getty Images

Fans of ‘The Bachelor’ noticed writing on Madison’s hand

As the episode of The Bachelor aired, fans were distracted by writing on Prewett’s hand. Viewers noticed the small note during one of the many intense conversations that took place on the episode.

“What was written on Madison’s hand?!?! #Thebachelor haha,” a fan tweeted.

“Is that a tattoo on Madison’s hand or a bar entry stamp? #TheBachelor,” wrote a Twitter user.

“#TheBachelor does it bother anyone else’s that we cant read what madison’s hand says??” One fan asked on Twitter.

The writing is related to her Christian faith

After the episode aired, People reported that the writing on Prewett’s hand is “Proverbs” followed by indistinguishable numbers. While it’s unclear what Bible verse Prewett wrote on her hand during the episode, “Proverbs 31:8” is in her Instagram bio.

Her bio reads, “Love greatly, be a voice for the voiceless, and always stand up for what you believe in – Proverbs 31:8.”

In addition to People, some fans were able to make out part of the Bible verse on Prewett’s hand.

“Anyone know which Proverbs verse Madison had written on her hand before going to meet Peter’s family? I can’t help feeling like she’s entirely too religious for Peter, which is fine, they’re just on completely different pages #TheBachelor,” one fan tweeted.

While this was news to some fans, other fans have noticed the writing on Prewett’s hand before.

“To everyone wondering what’s on Madison’s hand, she had that on her hand during hometowns. Proooobably a tattoo, not pen. #TheBachelor,” wrote a Twitter user.

“How are people just noticing Madison’s hand this episode ? She writes a new bible verse every time,” tweeted a fan.

Madison is known for her faith on ‘The Bachelor’

Since appearing on The Bachelor, Prewett has become well-known for her Christian faith. Fans have praised her for sticking to her morals and instincts no matter what, especially after going on the show challenged her. Even though watching her choose to leave the show was heartbreaking, fans are proud of her.

“madison not wanting peter to change for someone he ends up with is proving barb and everyone else wrong! that girl truly is selfless and is willing to give up her happiness so he can be happy. #TheBachelor,” wrote a fan on Twitter.

Bruce Pearl, the head coach of the Auburn men’s basketball team, knows Prewett’s family well and spoke highly of their commitment to their faith.

“I guess it’s a very popular show and a lot of people — I guess a lot of people watch it,” Pearl said about The Bachelor. “I just was really proud of Madison and Chad and Tonya and the Prewett family for being Auburn men and women, for representing a Christian home with great faith. It’s not talk; it’s walk. It’s lived. And I give the people at ABC credit for not rewriting that story; that’s who they are, and it may not be as flashy as some of the others.”