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The podcast Chatty Broads with Bekah and Jess is hosted by an alum of The Bachelor, Bekah Martinez (who appeared on Arie’s Luyendyk Jr.’s season), and Martinez’s friend/Bachelor superfan, Jess Ambrose. The two often recap The Bachelor franchise episodes, and in discussing a recent episode of Peter Weber’s season 24, the podcasters brought up a fan theory about the finale. Ambrose and Martinez think Pilot Pete may follow in the footsteps of Luyendyk, and switch up his choice after the final rose. But do they have the receipts?

Hannah Ann Sluss on The Bachelor
Peter Weber and Hannah Ann Sluss on The Bachelor | John Fleenor via Getty Images

What will happen on Peter Weber’s season finale of ‘The Bachelor’?

Recently, Martinez and Ambrose discussed their Bachelor finale theories on their podcast. They were shocked (and impressed) with Hannah Ann Sluss’s tenacity as a contestant.

“Whatever happens, I’m not leaving,” she told Weber on her Fantasy Suite date.

“I’m now wondering if that’s foreshadowing,” Ambrose said on Chatty Broads.”Yikes. Yikes.” Ambrose offered up a possible finale plot for The Bachelor Season 24.

“When we see the finale, is [Weber] running off to deal with potential things with Madi,” she predicted, “and is Hannah gonna be like, ‘I’m staying here no matter what.'”

The Bachelor recapper continued her hypothesis:

Arie and Lauren on The Bachelor
Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham Lyuendyk on The Bachelor | Paul Hebert/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Are we gonna have an Arie-Becca-Lauren situation where [Weber] chooses Madi, and then he ends up going with Hannah Ann, because he realizes that Madi and his lifestyles don’t line up? But Hannah Ann is still there, like she says?

“Oh sh*t,” Martinez replied. ‘I didn’t even consider that.”

Will Pilot Pete choose Madison Prewett or Hannah Ann Sluss? Fans have a theory

“You know what I heard?” Ambrose continued. “I remember seeing this on Instagram.” She explained the Bachelor fan theory:

There’s these two girls that have this crazy … theory. And it’s all connected to the fact that the one season of The Bachelor that they put on Netflix was Jason’s season, who was the OG of leaving his original girl for the second girl.

Ambrose wonders, “is this the foreshadowing?” Jason Mesnick famously broke up with his first choice on The Bachelor. He reconnected with his second choice, Molly Mesnick (formerly: Malaney) on” After the Finale Rose.”

“Are people gonna go back and watch Jason’s season again, now?” Martinez asked.

The Bachelor Jason
On Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s season of The Bachelor, Jason Mesnick and Molly Mesnick visited the “After the Final Rose” episode | Paul Hebert/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

“Yes,” Ambrose answered, “and maybe Jason will show up with Molly at the ‘After the Final Rose.'”

“Again,” Martinez joked. Because of course, that’s what happened on Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s season. But Ambrose also pointed out that Luyendyk is also more involved in Bachelor Nation this season than he has been in the past.

“This is the first season that Arie and Lauren are covering with their little YouTube [videos],” Ambrose said. “I don’t know, guys.”

“And those are two of the best success stories, too,” Martinez said of the two bachelors who switched their final choice. Both Luyendyk and Mesnick, after swapping out their fiance, have stayed together. Which is a fairly impressive feat for a Bachelor couple. And, it’s something ABC would definitely want to highlight–especially if Weber pulls the same stunt.

What do Weber’s parents think of his final choice from the season 24 contestants?

“Okay, but Peter’s been talking in interviews,” Martinez argued to her podcast co-host. “And didn’t he say in an interview, ‘I knew for weeks that she was the one,’ or something like that?”

“Yeah, but I could see him saying that,” Ambrose responded. “Talking out of his *ss.”

“Also,” she continued, “I have this feeling now. Is Barbra–her saying ‘bring her home to us; this is what love stories are made of.’ Is that filmed after?” (As in, after the taping of The Bachelor concluded).

“I feel like no, but I hope so,” Martinez said.

Former contestant on ‘The Bachelor’ thinks Sluss is a better match for Peter Weber

“I’m gonna say this,” Martinez stated. “After watching this whole week play out, Hannah Ann is the best choice for Peter.”

She explained her reasoning:

Their lifestyles fit, their personalities fit, what they’re both looking for fits. I actually think beliefs and all that aside, I think that there could be conflict … with Madison and Peter because I sort of see her having issues wit him being gone a lot, with traveling.

Prewett, as Martinez reminds listeners, wants a husband who is “a spiritual leader.” But aside from the religious aspect, the Bachelor alum guesses that Prewett wants “someone to be a leader of the home and be present.”

Prewett, Ambrose also argues, has a “strong personality.”

“I could see her wanting to go and get it in life,” Ambrose says. Which means: having a career of her own.

“How is she gonna do that and having him be absent for periods of time?” Martinez wondered about Weber’s pilot schedule. “It seems like he’s on the go a lot.”

Madison Prewett on The Bachelor
Madison Prewett’s headshot for The Bachelor | Maarten de Boer/ABC via Getty Images

“It works better with Hannah Ann,” Martinez argues.

Was Prewett going to be the final choice, Ambrose wondered, but “he goes after Hannah Ann because ‘she’ll always be there?'”

Considering that Chris Harrison said Pilot Pete doesn’t even know how this season of The Bachelor ends yet on “Women Tell All?” Anything is possible.

Do Venmo transactions predict the ‘Bachelor’ 2020 season finale episode?

On a more recent episode, the chatty broads pointed out the Venmo evidence. Apparently, Bachelor fans noticed that Weber and Sluss were interacting on Venmo about a month ago. However, more recently, those transactions have been between Pilot Pete and Prewett. This just seems like more evidence that the bachelor chooses Sluss, and changes his mind after the fact to follow his heart.

So, maybe that tearful “bring her home” from Weber’s mother is really about Prewett. Either way, we can’t wait for #BarbraGate2020.