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Bachelor Nation was introduced to Luke Parker on Hannah Brown’s season of The Bachelorette. He began the season with an early lead and held onto his strong connection with Brown until Fantasy Suites when she sent him home for trying to tell her she shouldn’t be having sex with any of the other contestants.

Luke Parker | John Fleenor/ABC via Getty Images
Luke Parker | John Fleenor/ABC via Getty Images

During “Men Tell All,” she described her relationship with Luke P. as toxic.

“Now, looking back, it wasn’t just that moment. I had been blind to everything that had been happening […] That night, I felt it and saw it for myself and that was when it just snapped for me. Now I’m like, I will not put up with this because that’s not love, that’s not what the person I want to spend the rest of my life with’s ever gonna make me feel. I’m so over being slut-shamed and feeling like that makes me not a woman of faith,” she said to uproarious applause.

Luke P. after ‘The Bachelorette’

In an interview with a Christian YouTube show, Paul and Morgan, Luke P. says he took some time to reflect on his behavior. He asked his friends for feedback on how he could have handled things differently (when he wasn’t “Christlike”). He also spoke about how he struggled with receiving so much hate from Bachelor Nation.

“The DMs, as soon as I got home, the direct messages on Instagram, any social media, were blown up and just filled with not just, ‘Oh you’re a loser’ but like ‘you’re a waste of life.’ Serious, deep, hateful, evil messages. At first when I was experiencing this it was tough for me,” he said. “I was continuing to read them over and over and over, well, because I got a lot of them, and I was starting to get in a bad place of, ‘God, why did you put me through this?’”

“There were a lot of nights when I just cried and prayed until I fell asleep,” he added.

Luke P. is moving on

Brown is still dealing with what she went through when she was the bachelorette, but it seems Luke P. is beginning to spend time with a new romantic prospect, Caitlin Beadles, who, oddly enough, dated Justin Bieber back in 2008 (she was also a guest at his wedding).

Beadles and Luke P. have been posting photos of each other on their Instagram accounts, but according to an Us Weekly source, the new couple is taking their time when it comes to making their relationship official.

“Caitlin and Luke have been spending a lot of time together, but at this point, they’re not officially dating,” said the source. “They care about the same things, specifically family and faith.”

“They like each other and want to progress slowly and see where it goes, but nothing is official right now,” the source continued.

Like Luke P., Beadles seems to be passionate about her religion. Her Instagram bio reads: “Jesus knew about rejection His entire time on earth, but it didn’t change how He loved.”

Read more: How Mike Johnson Feels About Hannah Brown’s ‘Bachelor’ Cameo And Heart-to-Heart With Peter Weber