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The Witcher is adored by many fans. Yet others are more critical of the Netflix series. Find out what some fans love and what others don’t, ahead.

What do fans like about ‘The Witcher’?

Henry Cavill of The Witcher
Henry Cavill at The Witcher panel at Argentina Comic Con 2019 | Fotonoticias/Getty Images

Some fans absolutely love The Witcher. One fan on Twitter says that they “just finished season 1 of The Witcher and holy ****. It was so good!” This fan also talks about “the satisfaction when Ciri and Geralt finally found each other.”

According to this fan, “Now they need to find Yennefer so they can kick *** and be a cute…family.” Another fan tweets that they “hope that the project of The Witcher could have a great future!” This fan “[wants] all 7 seasons!” A Twitter user adds that though “the timeline thing messed [them] up pretty bad…overall [they] really enjoyed the show.”

Another fan talks about the similarities between the books and the show. This fan says that “the Netflix series covered most of what happened in [the short stories] with a few minor changes.” According to this fan, “they did a really good job.” Also, “a lot of the lines are the same as in the [books].”

Another Twitter fan says that they “like The Witcher Netflix series.” However, “it’s hard to explain why it’s good.” This fan does say that “it’s smart enough [they’re] not double guessing the world constantly, but also not too esoteric that [they’re] too confused.” A Twitter user mentions that though they’re “someone that primarily likes games and books,” The Witcher show “is starting out good.”

What do fans dislike about the Netflix series?

While some fans do love The Witcher, others have less glowing reviews. One viewer on Twitter says “the writing and directing in the Netflix Witcher series is so….bad. The pacing and structure is so off.” This viewer does think, however, that “[Henry] Cavill does a good job as Geralt.”

Another viewer says they “tried watching it but that’s the cheesiest show [they’ve] seen.” A Twitter user didn’t enjoy the ending. “The Witcher ending is so bad,” they say. This viewer “had high hopes but that was so anticlimactic.”

They give the first season a “5.5/10” and find it “disappointing.” Another viewer says they “made it through episode 4 [of The Witcher] but have now given up.” This viewer says “The script is bad and the timeline jumps around…with no discernible reason.” According to this viewer, “dialogue at some instances [is] horrific and the majority of the jokes did not land.”

Another fan believesThe Witcher…sometimes had too much exposition, sometimes too little exposition for things that should be stated more explicitly.” This fan felt that “some things were obvious to [them] because [they] read the books but would not be otherwise.” Another viewer says they “would like to sit down with whatever person…decided that The Witcher should be structured like that, it’s just so bad.” This viewer goes on to ask “why would you not establish the mages and their manipulations in [episode] 1?”

They also believe Yennefer’s “motives are haphazard.” Another Twitter user finds it “boring”. While another viewer mentions the timeline, saying “when you do time jumps, let us know.” This viewer also wants to know “where is the character development and world-building?”