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The Netflix series, Black Mirror, has been described a lot of different ways. Some think it is reminiscent of the Twilight Zone, and others think it’s genuinely original. One thing everyone can agree on is that it is one of the creepiest, binge-worthy shows today. 

The idea behind the series is to imagine what dangers technology could cause. Not like throwing a toaster in a tub, kind of danger. It’s more like what would happen if a live-action CGI bear were elected president, kind of danger. And some of the episodes are still keeping us awake at night.

If you are one of the few people who, for whatever reason, has not seen the show yet, bookmark this page and come back after you are caught up. Fair warning, this article might have some spoilers, but we will try to keep them to a minimum. Here are the Black Mirror episodes that are still giving us nightmares.

‘Be Right Back’ (Season 2, Episode 1)

For many people, the loss of a loved one is more than they can bear. In this episode, the creative team explores this pain. In Be Right Back, a widow is upset from the recent loss of her husband and decides to upload all of his social media and internet information into a clone. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, it turns out, a lot could go wrong. At the core of this episode, is the deep-rooted human fear of death and being alone. It is also scary to think about a glitchy clone that happens to have all of your deceased spouse’s interests and information.

‘The National Anthem’ (Season 1, Episode 1)

As if all things political isn’t already giving us nightmares, now we have to think about that poor pig. This was the first, and arguably the creepiest, of all the episodes. The National Anthem is about a prime minister that is being blackmailed into having sex with a pig on live TV. When a royal is kidnapped, the ransom is not money — what they want is to make the prime minister pork a piggie. A sort of public shaming if you will.

The scariest part of this episode is the way the public and media react. The news media has a way of manipulating people and bringing out the worst in them. Just a little side note, the inspiration for the first episode, was based in part on real events. Yikes!

‘The Entire History of You’ (Season 1, Episode 3)

In this episode of Black Mirror, we see what might happen in a world where everyone has implants that record their lives. The implants are behind in the eyes, so everything you see is recorded. 

Sounds great if you have nothing to hide, but most people have at least one skeleton in their closet. When a husband becomes obsessed with the thought that his wife is cheating, he demands to watch her recordings. Sounds creepy, right? 

‘White Bear’ (Season 2, Episode 2)

This episode is enough to give anyone nightmares. Not only does it start out with a confused girl, trying to find answers, but people are watching her the whole time. White Bear plays on voyeurism, and the need to see someone be punished for their past behavior. 

You might start to relate to her or even feel sorry for this woman. That is, until you have all the pieces of the puzzle. Then you will understand why she is in this impossible situation.

‘Arkangel’ (Season 4, Episode 2)

This episode strikes a cord because it plays on our fear that something bad might happen to our children. In Arkangel, a mom almost loses her child. As a result of fear, she decides to implant the child with a sort of safety net.

She can decide what her child sees and hears. She can track her daughter’s vitals, and see through her eyes.   Some pretty apparent issues arise throughout the episode, but some took us by surprise. Like what happens when a teenage girl finds out her mom was watching her on a handheld device. 

At the core of Black Mirror is our complicated relationship with technology. On the one hand, we like asking Alexa for directions. On the other hand, that means technology is sitting in our house waiting for us to ask a question. Just waiting, and listening. Nothing scary about that though, right?